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Mission statement  THERE IS A NEED Publishing taxonomic literature is part of the mission of most NHIs. The proposal is: -free and open access journal.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission statement  THERE IS A NEED Publishing taxonomic literature is part of the mission of most NHIs. The proposal is: -free and open access journal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission statement  THERE IS A NEED Publishing taxonomic literature is part of the mission of most NHIs. The proposal is: -free and open access journal -European anchorage -web-based -peer-reviewed -on descriptive biological systematics, including : descriptions of new taxa, taxonomic revisions, continental and global checklists, review and opinion papers related to taxonomic and systematic research. AND PROVIDING HIGH STANDARDS FOR TAXONOMIC PUBLISHING EDIT 2GM - Carvoeiro dec 2009 European Publishing Network

2 Interests for NHIs 1.Increase visibility of NHIs in taxonomic publishing 2. If NHIs pool resources: – Higher critical mass of tools – Increased authority – Higher influence – Higher efficiency (than in small, hidden journals)... of the dissemination of taxonomic knowledge 3. Enhance collaborations, sharing expertise, sharing resources 4. By producing an excellent journal: show importance of taxonomy => taxonomy is worth funding 5. Our own data are in our own hands => not all scholarly publications should be in the hands of commercial companies: decision making; spending public money; copyright issues. EDIT 2GM - Carvoeiro dec 2009 European Publishing Network

3 Suggestions to the B o D: time line At this EDIT meeting – Take tentative position (nothing, supportive, participating) at this EDIT meeting; – Participating, if possible provide type of contribution before leaving this meeting – Mandate a task force (4-5 people) to draft business plan (BP) and memorandum of understanding (MoU) by March 1st 2010 Take firm position by April 1st 2010, comment on BP & MoU Task Force produces second draft of BP & MoU by May 2010 Participating NHI meet June 2010: Decision on final BP (Organisation, budget,...), agreement Implementation of journal early 2011 EDIT 2GM - Carvoeiro dec 2009 -

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