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Published byAntonia Phelps Modified over 9 years ago
Module Table of Contents (By Section) Produce Preliminary Map Products Citrix Web Interface & Load Data Artifacts Validate Content Submission Perform Independent QA/QC Determine Data Development Rework Setup Data Development Self Quiz Welcome to the Manage Preliminary Map Production module of the “MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training” course! This module guides you through the process of managing preliminary map products for study projects. Only authenticated users with a Preliminary Map Products Task Lead, NSP QA Task Lead, and Study Project Administrator role can manage preliminary map products. Training manual users will find workflow and role diagrams throughout the modules. Web-based users, may click on the “View Workflow” and “View Role” buttons to see where you are in the workflow and role descriptions with associated organization types. Where are you in the Workflow? MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION
The “Produce Preliminary Map Products” task includes setting up the preliminary DFIRM, merging revised and effective flood hazard data into a seamless dataset, and preparation of the preliminary Summary Of Map Actions (SOMA). Update the Produce Preliminary Map Products screen on the last day of each month or as required by your contract. Enter the actual cost of the task to date and the physical percent complete. The “Percent Complete to Date” field is limited to values between 0% and 90% to allow for Data Development rework if the task fails QA. Enter the reporting date for “As of.” If a Special Problem Report (SPR) is needed, check the SPR box and add comments. (An SPR email is sent to FEMA upon saving or completing the task.) Select “Update Status” to save your cost and schedule status information to the MIP. The task will remain on your Work Item List for further updates. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Preliminary Map Products Task LeadSD12 Top Half Manage Preliminary Map Production ROLE: Preliminary Map Products Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for producing the preliminary map products and outreach. Organization Type: Assigned Prelim Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SD12 Produce Preliminary Map Products (this makes the preliminary SOMA list which goes out with the preliminary map) Where are you in the Workflow? Produce Preliminary Map Products/Mapping Information
(Continued) Important Note: For multiple area projects, the areas are split into ‘sub-projects’ for the preliminary and post preliminary processing tasks. Therefore, the cost and percent complete are related to this specific area only. You must certify that an internal QA check was performed. You must also certify that your work adheres to the Guidelines and Specifications and that the data for this task has been submitted to the NSP. Reminder: Online Help content provides assistance to users and is available throughout the MIP. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Preliminary Map Products Task LeadSD12 Bottom Produce Preliminary Map Products/Mapping Information
(Continued) As part of the preliminary map products task, you must indicate that you have sent CW-1 letters to the communities, that the FIS report is complete, that all Category 1 LOMCs have been incorporated into the new preliminary maps, and that the preliminary SOMA has been prepared. In the “Map Panel Information” section, enter the number of new panels for the preliminary map. The paneling scheme and scale of mapping should have been determined during project scoping. Throughout this module the role performing the activity and a numerical or descriptive identifier for the screen are displayed in bold on the bottom left and right hand corners of the screen shot to the right. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Preliminary Map Products Task LeadSD12 Bottom Produce Preliminary Map Products/Mapping Information
The Community LOMC List screen involves the preparation of the preliminary SOMA. Use the drop- down list to view LOMC cases and select those LOMCs which have a determination date later than the current effective FIRM date. These LOMCs should be reviewed to determine the appropriate SOMA category. Select a case and click “Retrieve Case” to bring up details of the LOMC. To enter the required information in the “Enter new information for the LOMC” section, you will need a copy of the preliminary map and the LOMC case file. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Preliminary Map Products Task LeadSD12 Produce Preliminary Map Products/Community LOMC List
(Continued) You will need to review each identified LOMC to determine whether it has been affected by new flood hazard information and if it can be incorporated into the FIRM. Note: This screen could take considerable time to complete so it is recommended that you “Save Work” often. “New Zone” is a new floodplain determination based on the new data used for the preliminary map and the detailed information provided in the LOMC case file. If the LOMC is large enough to map it should be incorporated into the new preliminary map panels. If a LOMC is being superseded by the new preliminary map, select the appropriate response from the “Reason determination will be superseded” drop- down list. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Preliminary Map Products Task LeadSD12 Top Half Produce Preliminary Map Products/Community LOMC List
(Continued) Indicate whether the LOMC case should be included on the preliminary SOMA list. Select the applicable SOMA category from the drop-down list and whether the LOMC should be revalidated. Enter the new panel number on which the LOMC will be mapped. Add the completed LOMC entry by clicking “Add LOMC Info.” Make sure to retrieve, review, and add all relevant LOMC cases. For all study workflow tasks, there will be a Review screen (where all task information entered can be reviewed) and a Complete Task screen. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION SD12 BottomPreliminary Map Products Task Lead Produce Preliminary Map Products/Community LOMC List
New Functionality in MIP Release 3: There are several places throughout the workflow where the Citrix Web Interface and the Load Data Artifacts portlet are available. While in the workflow, you will notice the Citrix Web Interface and the Load Data Artifacts portlet under the Produce Preliminary Map Products screens. Click the Online Help button for detailed help content about logging into Citrix (MIP Production Tools) through the Citrix Web Interface and uploading data to the MIP through the Load Data Artifacts portlet. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Citrix Web Interface & Load Data Artifacts
New Functionality in MIP Release 3: Regarding the Citrix Web Interface, Single Sign-on Capability is now available. Upon initial sign-on from the MIP portal, single sign-on capability provides registered Citrix users access to the MIP Production Tools (e.g. DFIRM Tools and WISE Tools) with each subsequent log in to the MIP. Contact MIPHelp at or call 1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627), select option 2, to sign up for a Citrix account or to verify your account All Produce Preliminary Map Products screens will provide access to the MIP Production Tools through Citrix. You can upload your preliminary DFIRM database via the Load Data Artifacts portlet. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Citrix Web Interface & Load Data Artifacts
After the preliminary mapping products for an area have been completed, the “Produce Preliminary Map Products” task will be sent to the NSP QA Task Lead to Validate Content. The purpose of this task is to ensure that the mapping partner has submitted a complete package. Note: The Citrix Web Interface is available below this screen for the NSP QA Task Lead to access the Preliminary DFIRM database submission. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION NSP QA Task Lead QA01 No Audit Manage Quality Assurance ROLE: NSP QA Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for validating content submissions, auditing submissions (if appropriate), and storing submissions. Also responsible for independent QA of mapping products. Organization Type: ModRMC, ModHQ QA01 Validate Content (prelim map) Decide if the preliminary map passes or fails validation If the map passes, the project moves forward to Independent QA (QA02) – NSP for map If the task fails, the project goes back to SD12 to rework the prelim mapping task Where are you in the Workflow? Validate Content Submission
(Continued) Fill out the checklist and enter the date the content was received. Caution: Certification that the submittal adheres to guidelines and specifications, data capture standards, or validation of the datums and projection will only be performed if the NSP Task Lead role is currently funded to perform those activities. Determine whether the task will count toward national metrics. At the present time, only fully digital, countywide mapping projects meet national metrics. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION NSP QA Task LeadQA01 No Audit Validate Content Submission
(Continued) If the submittal is complete, select “yes” to validate submission. This will route the task to the NSP for Independent QA. If the submittal is incomplete, select “no” to send the task to the Study Project Administrator to determine what type of rework is required. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION NSP QA Task LeadQA01 No Audit Validate Content Submission
Preliminary and final map products are sent to the authenticated user responsible for Independent QA of mapping tasks. If the preliminary map passes QA, select “Approve” and type any comments in the free text field provided. The task will then be sent to NSP QA Task Lead’s Work Item List to store the content. If the preliminary map fails QA, select “Reject” and add any comments. If rejected, the task will be sent to the Study Project Administrator to determine what type of rework is required. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION NSP QA Task LeadQA02 Manage Quality Assurance ROLE: NSP QA Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for validating content submissions, auditing submissions (if appropriate), and storing submissions. Also responsible for independent QA of mapping products. Organization Type: ModRMC, ModHQ QA02 Perform Independent QA for preliminary map products Decide if the preliminary map passes or fails independent QA If the task passes QA, the project moves forward to Store Content (QA04) If the task fails, the project goes to SD13 to determine if rework is required. Where are you in the Workflow? Perform Independent QA/QC
After the preliminary map products have been validated, and passed Independent QA (if required), the NSP QA Task Lead will store the content of the submittal. Indicate that the digital content has been stored on the NSP file structure, and type any comments (such as the file name) in the space provided. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Manage Quality Assurance ROLE: NSP QA Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for validating content submissions, auditing submissions (if appropriate), and storing submissions. Also responsible for independent QA of mapping products. Organization Type: ModRMC, ModHQ QA04 Store Content (from QA02 or QA03) NSP QA Task LeadQA04 Where are you in the Workflow? Store Content
If the preliminary map fails an activity in the QA process, the Study Project Administrator receives this task to determine if data development rework is required. If the problems were related to one or more Data Development Task select “yes.” This will send the “Setup Data Development” task to the Study Project Administrator’s Work Item List. If the problems were related to the preliminary mapping task only select “no.” This will send the task back to the Preliminary Map Products Task Lead for rework. Type comments in the space provided. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Manage Preliminary Map Production ROLE: Study Project Administrator Description of Role: Responsible for initiating new projects (i.e., entering all required information about project geography, responsible organization, cost, and schedule) and updating the cost and schedule information throughout the project. Organization Type: ModRMC or ModHQ. Only ModRMC or ModHQ can register to do this task. SD13 Determine Data Development Rework (if prelim map QA fails) Decide if data development rework is required. If yes, go to SM02. If no, go back to SD12 to redo the prelim mapping task. Study Project Administrator SD13 Where are you in the Workflow? Determine Data Development Rework
The “Setup Data Development” task is very similar to “Obligate Project Funds” except that the area is already determined based on the area- specific preliminary map which failed QA. Multiple area tasks cannot be set up on this screen. The “Task” drop-down is pre-populated with the data development tasks “checked” when finalizing the project scope. Each task can be authorized, planned, or dropped. To authorize a task, first select a task from the drop-down list. Then, select the organization performing the task. Correct selection of “Organization Type” and “Organization Name” ensures the task is routed to the Work Item List of all potential task lead(s) (e.g. Hydrology Task Lead) of that organization. The baseline “Start Date” and “End Date,” and “Cost” information, refers to the selected data development task. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Manage Preliminary Map Production ROLE: Study Project Administrator Description of Role: Responsible for initiating new projects (i.e., entering all required information about project geography, responsible organization, cost, and schedule) and updating the cost and schedule information throughout the project. Organization Type: Same org that completed SM01. ModRMC, ModHQ, FEMARegion, or FEMA HQ could register to do this task. SM02 Set up Data Development (if data development rework is needed) Then rework the tasks, QA them, store them, and enter the process again at SD12. Where are you in the Workflow? Setup Data Development
(Continued) To plan a task or to save a task for later, select a task from the drop- down list and check the “Planned Task” box. The MIP allows you to select the proposed organization (e.g. CTP) that will be performing the task and the contract information at this point but these fields can be left blank. (Click “Add Cost” to save contract data.) After you complete the Setup Data Development screens, all of the planned tasks will appear in the “Authorize Planned Data Development Task” work item on your Work Item List. All planned tasks will need to be authorized and completed for an area prior to making a preliminary map. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Manage Preliminary Map Production ROLE: Study Project Administrator Description of Role: Responsible for initiating new projects (i.e., entering all required information about project geography, responsible organization, cost, and schedule) and updating the cost and schedule information throughout the project. Organization Type: Same org that completed SM01. ModRMC, ModHQ, FEMARegion, or FEMA HQ could register to do this task. SM02 Set up Data Development (if data development rework is needed) Then rework the tasks, QA them, store them, and enter the process again at SD12. Where are you in the Workflow? Setup Data Development
(Continued) If you no longer want the task to be included in the study project, do not select it from the drop-down list. Caution: You will not be able to retrieve tasks that were not added as part of Setup Data Development. Exception: If the preliminary map fails QA again, the original list of scoped tasks will appear on the Setup Data Development screen. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Setup Data Development
An Independent QA Task for each Data Development Task can be authorized, planned or dropped. Check “Independent QA Required” if you would like to authorize Independent QA. Then, select the type of organization (e.g. CTP) and the organization performing the QA task. Correct selection of “Organization Type” and “Organization Name” ensures the QA task is routed to the Work Item List of all potential Independent QA Task lead(s) of that organization. The QA task will appear after the Data Development Task has been completed and the content has been validated by the NSP. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Setup Data Development
(Continued) Enter the baseline “Start Date” and “End Date,” and “Cost” information, for the Independent QA Task. The contract information is not tied to any MIP functionality but it will appear in the reports. Click “Add Cost” and proceed to selecting affected areas. To authorize Independent QA later, check the “Planned Task” box AND the “Independent QA Required” box. Caution: If you select the “planned” box without the “QA required” box the QA task will be dropped. The MIP allows you to select the proposed organization (e.g. CTP) that will be performing the task and the contract information at this point but these fields can be left blank. (Click “Add Cost” to save contract data.) MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Setup Data Development
(Continued) After the Data Development Task has been completed and the content has been validated by the NSP, the “Authorize Independent QA” task will appear on your Work Item List. All planned Data Development Tasks (and associated QA) will need to be authorized and completed for an area prior to making a preliminary map. If you do not want to perform Independent QA on the Data Development Task leave this section blank. Caution: You will not be able to require Independent QA for this task later unless the Data Development Task is planned. If Independent QA for an authorized task is not required (authorized or planned), the NSP will have the option of auditing the task after validating the content. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Setup Data Development
(Continued) Any combination of planned or authorized tasks and Independent QA for the tasks is allowed. On the Authorize Planned Data Development Task screens you will have the opportunity to change the requirement for Independent QA to authorized, planned or dropped. Take the time to complete the short Self Quiz on the following page before proceeding to the next training module. MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Setup Data Development
1. The “Produce Preliminary Map Products” task includes the preparation of the preliminary SOMA. True or False 2. If the preliminary map fails QA, the NSP QA Task Lead receives the Determine Data Development Rework task. True or False This concludes the Manage Preliminary Map Production module of the “MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training” web-based course. Please proceed to the next module in the course, Manage Flood Mapping – Distributing Preliminary Map Products.MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training MANAGE PRELIMINARY MAP PRODUCTION Self Quiz Answers: 1. True, 2. False Self Quiz
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