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Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) Foresight Workshop Purpose, structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) Foresight Workshop Purpose, structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) Foresight Workshop Purpose, structure and intended results Dr. Kerstin Cuhls Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research

2 2 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) What is Foresight?  Attempt to Look Systematically into the Future and  Draw Conclusions for the Present.  Is No Planning but a step in Planning.  Technology Policy can be Based on it.  Has an Influence on the Participants Themselves.  Communications and Motivation Effect.

3 3 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) Purpose of the Workshop  Develop a "Manifesto for the Innovation District Trentino"  Work out the basis for the manifesto  Think longer-term (until 2014)  Develop joint ideas, "visions"  Make the barriers on the way to the vision explicit  Think about measures to be taken

4 4 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) Structure and Intended Results - Today  Presentation of a first "vision" (Prof. Kuhlmann)  3 Vision teams: Resources, Governance, Business Attitudes  Creative phase: gathering of ideas for new markets, trends, fields for Trentino....  Work out "shaping factors": What will be the crucial points for the district?  Develop measures to be taken: What measures can be taken to prepare the district for the future challenges? Who could initiate the measures?

5 5 Fraunhofer ISI Institute Systems and Innovation Research Trentino plus 10 Foresight Workshop 14-15 July 2003 (Trento) Structure and Intended Results - Tomorrow  Rapporteurs present the results of the vision teams  Presentation of examples from international cases  Trentino plus 10: The vision of Trentino and its specialisation clusters in 10 years (final discussion)  Outlook  Required policy measures  Relevant actors

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