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Welcome to Mr. Norman’s 6 th grade science class! Where ANYTHING can happen!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Norman’s 6 th grade science class! Where ANYTHING can happen!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mr. Norman’s 6 th grade science class! Where ANYTHING can happen!!

2 Questions….. The Move to 6 th grade I too am coming from 5 th grade Works differently Responsibility Communication from students

3 Science as Inquiry Questioning Planning Conducting investigations Critical thinking Communicating results Think like a scientist

4 Science Notebooks Notebook is required Interactive Science notebook (ISN) Example…. Other supplies that are required Sharp pencils, markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks, checking pens, loose notebook paper *Can be kept in class *Required EVERYDAY

5 1 st Quarter Science Skills and Inquiry – Design & conduct investigations Plant Systems – Experiments with Plants Cell Structure and Function – Structure & hierarchy of cells

6 2 nd Quarter Human Body Systems – How various systems work together to form vital functions Scientific Method – Step-by-step process for conducting scientific inquiry.

7 3 rd Quarter Science Project – Conduct a controlled investigation using the scientific method at home Structure of the Earth – Earth’s atmosphere – Earth’s waters (oceans) – Water cycle – Earth’s weather

8 4 th Quarter Structure of the Earth - continues – Earth’s atmosphere – Earth’s waters (oceans) – Water Cycle – Earth’s weather Energy – Renewable and non-renewable – Generated, stored, transferred, transformed – Conservation

9 Science Project 3 rd quarter Design and conduct an experiment Creative presentation Give speech to class on experiment

10 Grades? Tests and Quizzes Class work Daily science Labs-Experiments Notes Participation Homework 80% assessments 20% “other”

11 Donations for Science Labs & Activities -Clorox Wipes!! -Scissors -Glue sticks -pencils

12 Technology in 6C -Google Apps -Studyblue -Class Dojo -ipads -Edmodo -and much more

13 Now a little bit about Mr. Norman I am 32 years old and graduated from ASU in 2005. I am married to a teacher and have2 year old girl with a boy on the way I have a Master’s Degree from the N.A.U. 8 th year teaching. Have taught 2 nd and 5th

14 My Loves

15 My hopes for this school year… To guide each and every student to succeed and challenge themselves To encourage creativity To have your child ask questions about the world around them! To have every paper your child turns in have their NAME on it To have fun and keep learning!!

16 Communication Email: Send a note with your child Phone: 480-541-5800 Website:

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