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Fashion AND The Golden RATIO

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion AND The Golden RATIO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion AND The Golden RATIO
By: Cecilia Alvidrez

2 What is the Golden Ratio?
Golden mean, Golden Ratio or Golden Section Ratio of large piece to small = Ratio of the whole piece to the large piece. “phi” “Fly” 1:1.618

3 Golden Ratio and the Body
Body divided according the Golden Ratio. Ideal Human body : 8 heads tall from head to waistline 3/8, the remaining 5/8. For example, If the length of the hand has the value of 1, for instance, then forearm has the approximate value of 1.618

4 The Body c9796d0/
Top of head to naval, is in proportion from navel to feet

5 Math is in Fashion! Divisions of thirds, elongate your body and provide a more pleasing appearance. Halves tend to look blocky, boxy and unflattering

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