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John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Report on behalf of CLIC Civil Engineering and Services (CES) WG CTC 19 May 2009 Tunnel Cross Section.

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Presentation on theme: "John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Report on behalf of CLIC Civil Engineering and Services (CES) WG CTC 19 May 2009 Tunnel Cross Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Report on behalf of CLIC Civil Engineering and Services (CES) WG CTC 19 May 2009 Tunnel Cross Section Studies

2 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 4.5m tunnel used as baseline for 2007 costing exercise

3 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Tunnel Cross Section –Original 4.5m internal diameter tunnel was developed by C.Wyss study in 2007 : CLIC-Tech-Note-003 20 August 2007

4 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 The tunnel diameter were initially dimensioned for the following items : –The CLIC machine, with their drive and main beam machine components. – The 2.4 GeV and 9 GeV transfer lines for the drive and main beams, respectively –An Installation corridor for the transportation of machine modules for installing and/or replacement.

5 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Machine Services (1) : –Supply and return manifolds for demineralised water cooling. –Raw water supply and return. –Drainage pipe embedded in concrete invert for any water seepage –Compressed air for PETS on/off mechanism –Nitrogen distribution, if any –One or two 40mm duct(s) for optical fibre links –Two or three 500mm wide cable trays for dc power cables.

6 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Machine Services (2) : –A free section of at least 70cm width by 200cm for personnel passage between a module and the tunnel wall. –One 500mm wide cable tray for low power and signal cables for the RF system –One 500mm wide cable tray for beam instrumentation, survey and vacuum systems –One 300mm wide cable tray for the power cables of the transfer lines

7 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Machine Services (3) : –One 200mm wide cable tray for the cables of the vacuum and beam instrumention systems of the transfer lines –The Low-Voltage (400V) distribution –5 Cables for Medium Voltage (36KV). These cables will bring power from Prevessin Site central Area to other sites –Secure Low Voltage Electricity –Power for the transport vehicles –No mono-rail type transport included for the moment

8 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Tunnel Services : –Normal Lighting –Leaky feeder for mobile telephones –Public address system

9 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Safety Systems : –Panels with emergency lighting, emergency stops, red telephones –Evacuation push-buttons (break glass type) and sirens –Emergency radio communication for fire brigade –Radiation monitors –Oxygen deficiency monitors?

10 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Alignment and Tunnel tolerances –Space has been recently allocated for alignment systems –A radial allowance for construction tolerances has been included (10cm)

11 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Drive beam from Turnarounds missing from this cross section !

12 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 What has changed since 2007 : –3d studies with CATIA integrating services –Cooling and Ventilation studies –Transport studies –Machine developments….

13 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Five machine beams in this cross section Catia Studies

14 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Extract from CLIC Technical Committee : G. Riddone, D. Schulte, 2008.007.14

15 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Drive beam To dump

16 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Main beam Beginning Of turnaround loop End of turnaround loop

17 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Transport Studies

18 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 3 cable trays 520mm 2 CV pipes 600mm 2 CV pipes 250mm Drive beam Main beam Safe passage Transport train Turnaround loop RIGHT VIEW TYPICAL CROSS SECTION CLIC TUNNEL Monorail Turnaround & transport Studies 4.5m tunnel

19 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Possible Ventilation Systems for road tunnels Extracted courtesy of ‘French Tunnelling Association : AFTES : Tunnels routiers : resistance au feu Jan 2008’

20 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 CLIC Ventilation Concepts Advantages of transversal ventilation : Safety (see CLIC note from F.Corsanego EDMS 827669) Much better control of temperature & humidity gradient along the tunnel

21 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 6.0m diameter needed to accommodate 3m2 ducts !

22 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 3 cable trays 520mm CV pipes 250 & 700mm Circuit B Drive beam Main beam Safe passage Transport train RIGHT VIEW TYPICAL CROSS SECTION CLIC TUNNEL – CV 2x1m2 Monorail CV pipes 600 & 700mm Circuit A Extraction 1m2 Air supply 1m2

23 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 COOLING AND VENTILATION IN THE TUNNEL J. Inigo-Golfin - C. Martel CERN TS/CV Wednesday 15 th October 2008 CLIC WORKSHOP - 2008

24 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Tunnel section Circuit D : compressed air Circuit C : Fire Fighting Circuit A : Module cooling Circuit B : general cooling EXTRACTION DUCT SUPPLY DUCT CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation

25 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Safety considerations SHAFT POINT Extraction Air supply Extraction Air supply Control of the pressure from both ends of a sector. Control of the pressure (overpressure or underpressure in each area). Fire detection per sector compatible to fire fighting via water mist. CLIC WORKSHOP - Ventilation

26 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 CLIC Cooling Study Proposed 1.5m diameter micro-tunnel for Cooling Pipes : Approx. cost for CE works 250MCHF Intermediate caverns would be needed for construction of micro tunnel Integration for cooling pipes is complicated Major impact on civil planning (excavated spoil through ‘completed’ structures) J.Osborne

27 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 4.5m tunnel Drive beam from Turnarounds missing from this cross section !

28 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 5.0m tunnel Drive beam from Turnarounds missing from this cross section !

29 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Herrenknect Visit June 2008 Herrenknect are one of the worlds biggest TBM manufacturers. They advised that the most common diameter for TBM’s (metro etc) is 5.6 finished internal diameter.

30 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 4.5m compared to 6.0m diameter Cross Section Studies

31 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009

32 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 5.6m tunnel

33 John Osborne : GS-SEM Civil Engineering 19 May 2009 Summary With a 4.5m diameter tunnel, it appears difficult to accommodate all equipment 5.6m recommended by CES working group More TBM’s of this diameter available will help with Project planning Reduction in other costs due to more additional working space ? Space for future requests…. Additional CE cost in the region of 150M CHF Barcelona Metro under construction 6.6m machine external, inner 5.8m. With 0.1m tolerance on radius = 5.6m internal diameter.

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