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TCDIM François-Xavier Nuiry September 16 th 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "TCDIM François-Xavier Nuiry September 16 th 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCDIM François-Xavier Nuiry September 16 th 2015

2 Outlines TCDIM Existing design TCDIM locations TCDIM New simulations 2

3 TCDIM Existing design 3 TCDIM MSI 300+290+300mm long or 500mm long OD Ø100mm ID Ø20mm Inconel600 TCDIM MQI 500mm long OD Ø150mm ID losange 304L TCDIM MBIA 500mm long OD Ø150mm ID Ø46mm 304L

4 TCDIM Locations 4 TI2 Collimator New proposed location (ease integration) (m) Mask Mask Design LocationDistance collimator-Mask [m] Fluka simulation TCDIM.20634?416.56? TCDIV.290112953.25 TCDIH.290492972.25TCDIM.29059MQI (losange)2975.733 3.483available TCDIH.292063016.5 TCDIV.292333028.17TCDIM.29241MQI (losange)3032.171 4.001available TCDIH.294643099.17TCDIM.29472MQI (losange)3101.81 2.64available TCDIV.295083108.25TCDIM.29527MSI 500mm long3116.402 8.152 TI8 Collimator Location in Concept Design Report (m) Mask LocationDistance collimator-Mask [m] TCDIM 81759?668.97? TCDIH.874412387.665TCDIM.87459MQI (losange)2396.08 Collimator and Mask to be removed during LS2 TCDIH.876062432.032 TCDIV.876442450.745TCDIM.87658MQI (losange)2456.232 5.487 TCDIV.878042501.125 TCDIH.878222510.43TCDIM.87831MBIA2512.73 2.3available TCDIH.879392566.345TCDIM.87966MQI (losange)2576.219 9.874 TCDIV.881212620.897TCDIM.88132MSI 3*500mm2625.125 4.228 Shall we keep masks associated to momentum collimators?

5 TCDIM New simulations 5 Beam Parameters:  We only consider one bunch train 288 batches  Pulse period between 2 trains 3.6s (only one impact considered)  Bunch train time7.2µs  Beam Energy450GeV  Particles per train288*2.32*10 11 =6.68*10 13  Energy deposition layoutGiven by Fluka files Considered MASKS:  TCDIM.29472. Closest to collimator in TI2. MQI Mask. Losange inner shape. 304L.  TCDIM.87831. Closest to collimator in TI8. MBIA Mask. Circular inner shape. 304L.  TCDIM.29059 and 29241

6 TCDIM New simulations with TA6V grade 5. 6 TA6V [Stress in Mpa] Linear elastic study Titanium TA6V water quenched and tempered*, 1/s strain rateAnnealed Max Equivalent stress (VM)400 Tensile yield strength @ 200C 860724 @ 150C Max Principal stress21.5 Tensile strength @ 200C 960845 @ 150C Min Principal stress-468 Compressive yield strength @ 200C (static test) 539  Even if the stress level is not negligible, TA6V shall be a good candidate for this mask TCDIM.29472 2.64m distance to the collimator 5 sigma impact on the collimator jaw Max ΔT in the mask: 149ºC Properties @ RT Density ~ 4.42g/cc CTE ~ 8.78.10 -6 /K E ~ 110.3 GPa *trempe a l’eau puis revenu

7 TCDIM New simulations with TA6V grade 5. 7 TA6V [Stress in Mpa] Linear elastic study Titanium TA6V water quenched and tempered, 1/s strain rateAnnealed Max Equivalent stress (VM)406 Tensile yield strength @ 200C 860724 @ 150C Max Principal stress29.5 Tensile strength @ 200C 960845 @ 150C Min Principal stress-471 Compressive yield strength @ 200C (static test) 539  There are 46 degrees deference between 5 sigma and 20 sigma impact parameter TCDIM.29472 2.64m distance to the collimator 20 sigma impact on the collimator jaw Max ΔT in the mask: 195ºC Properties @ RT Density ~ 4.42g/cc CTE ~ 8.78.10 -6 /K E ~ 110.3 GPa  Even if the stress level is not negligible, TA6V shall be a good candidate for this mask  A study with the real mask geometry shall be done to check the geometry influence on the generated stress.

8 TCDIM New simulations with TA6V grade 5. 8 TA6V [Stress in Mpa] Linear elastic study Titanium TA6V water quenched and tempered, 1/s strain rateAnnealed Max Equivalent stress (VM)341 Tensile yield strength @ 200C 860724 @ 150C Max Principal stress19 Tensile strength @ 200C 960845 @ 150C Min Principal stress-396 Compressive yield strength @ 200C (static test) 539 TCDIM.29059 3.483m distance to the collimator 5 sigma impact on the collimator jaw Max ΔT in the mask: 129ºC Properties @ RT Density ~ 4.42g/cc CTE ~ 8.78.10 -6 /K E ~ 110.3 GPa  TA6V shall be a good candidate for this mask

9 TCDIM Preliminary Conclusions (simplified model) 9  Titanium TA6V is a good candidate for TCDIM 29472, TCDIM 29059. MASK Material TA6V304LINVARINCONELEnergy dep. in the downstream magnet coil TCDIM.29472 5 σ impact parameter OKShould be OK with the EN1.3912 cold worked grade (old location) High stress, need non linear study (old location) With TA6V mask: 35 J/cm 3, ΔT~10.1C With 304L mask: 33 J/cm 3, ΔT~9.5C With INVAR: 34 J/cm 3, ΔT~10C (old location) With INCONEL: 34 J/cm 3, ΔT~10C (old location) TCDIM.29472 20 σ impact parameter OK xx With TA6V mask: 25.5J/cm 3, ΔT~7.3 C TCDIM.29059 OK xx With TA6V mask: 29 J/cm 3, ΔT~8.3C With 304L mask: 27 J/cm 3, ΔT~7.7C TCDIM.29241 Problem with Fluka file/energy deposition? xx With TA6V mask: 18 J/cm 3, ΔT~5.2C With 304L mask: 17 J/cm 3, ΔT~4.7C TCDIM.87831 Ongoing Problem with Energy deposition? xx With TA6V mask: 10 J/cm 3, ΔT~3C With 304L mask: 9 J/cm 3, ΔT~2.6C  Is the losange shape really needed for mask in front of MQI magnets?


11 TCDIM New simulations with INCONEL 11 Inconel 718 wrought, solution treated and aged [stress in Mpa] Linear elastic study Max Equivalent stress (VM)1258Yield strength @ 280C1121 Max Principal stress122Tensile strength @ 280C1376 Min Principal stress-1472Compressive strength @ 900C-730  Stronger than Stainless Steel 304L.  Non-linear study with bi-linear material property could give more precise results (as done for SS).  Stress remains too high.  Excluded candidate. TCDIM.29472 Ni (~50%) Cr (~18%) Fe (balance) Properties @ RT Density ~ 8.23g/cc CTE ~ 12.3.10 -6 /K E ~ 198 GPa

12 TCDIM New simulations with TITANIUM 12 Titanium Ti 13V 11Cr 3Al solution treated and aged bar [Stress in Mpa] Linear elastic study Max Equivalent stress (VM)333 Tensile yield strength at 200C 929 Max Principal stress23 Tensile strength at 200C 1087 Min Principal stress-390 Compressive yield strength at 200C -946 TCDIM.29472  Acceptable stress level.  Deposited energy on the downstream magnet is acceptable (thanks to G. Steele).  Best candidate. Properties @ RT Density ~ 4.8g/cc CTE ~ 8.75.10 -6 /K E ~ 106 GPa Peak energy deposition in the downstream magnet coils, depending on the mask material SS 304L maskInvar maskInconel maskTitanium mask Peak Energ. Dep on coil35 J/cm^334 J/cm^3 37 J/cm^3 Temp increase in coil 10 ° 11 °

13 TCDIM New simulations (EN-STI) 13 ANSYS Model and Mesh ANSYS MQI Simplified model (no losange shape)  212784 elements  Element midside nodes dropped  SOLID185 element used (8 nodes hexagonal element)  26 elements radially  95 elements longitudinally  88 elements in PHI Cylindrical coordinate system ID: 12 FLUKA MQI Binning:  24 elements radially  40 elements longitudinally  180 elements in PHI

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