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Welcome t... o 6 th Grade!. Born in St. Louis, MO Born in St. Louis, MO Bachelors Degree Bachelors Degree Corporate Health & Fitness 2 Masters Degrees.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome t... o 6 th Grade!. Born in St. Louis, MO Born in St. Louis, MO Bachelors Degree Bachelors Degree Corporate Health & Fitness 2 Masters Degrees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome t... o 6 th Grade!

2 Born in St. Louis, MO Born in St. Louis, MO Bachelors Degree Bachelors Degree Corporate Health & Fitness 2 Masters Degrees 2 Masters Degrees Elementary Education Sports Medicine Sports Medicine Working on Ph.D now Working on Ph.D now Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum & Instruction About Ms. Langham:

3 My Kids Hunter and Zak

4 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Ms. Langham’s Classroom Spanish Fort Middle School 6 th Grade

5 WHY DO WE HAVE PROCEDURES? Procedures are the ways we do things. To do things correctly, we have to follow procedures such as: Procedures are the ways we do things. To do things correctly, we have to follow procedures such as: To place a phone call, we need to enter To place a phone call, we need to enter numbers in the right order. numbers in the right order. To mail a letter, we need to write down the To mail a letter, we need to write down the correct address and zip code. correct address and zip code. So, to be successful in learning, we need to follow some simple procedures. So, to be successful in learning, we need to follow some simple procedures.

6 Before Entering The Class Room Go to the restroom Make sure that you have everything you need for the day.

7 When you enter the Room 1. No talking once you are through the door. 2. Sharpen 2 pencils. 3. Put any signed papers or notes from home in the basket on my desk. 4. Copy Home Work assignments from the board into your agenda. 5. Wait quietly for the lesson to begin

8 Procedures Take out your homework Always bring pencil and binder (with paper in it) Do not ask to go anywhere during class (unless you have a real emergency)

9 Bell or End of Class Neither the clock nor the bell decides it is time to go, I do. Have a great day ! Leave desk and floor space clean and neat.

10 To Have a Great Day! Listen carefully to and follow all directions. Make an honest effort to understand. Ask sensible questions at an appropriate time. If you have finished all of your work, read silently or study for another class. Don’t ask to go anywhere during instructional time (while I am talking), wait until end of class and only for emergencies. Be helpful and kind to others! If you don’t understand, ask for help!!!! Always have your homework. Always try to smile! (It will make you and others feel better)

11 DURING INSTRUCTION: Listen to the teacher with your full attention. Listen to the teacher with your full attention. No pencil sharpening, talking, or whispering. No pencil sharpening, talking, or whispering. Ask permission to speak by Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. raising your hand. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions can be asked later. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions can be asked later.

12 WHILE YOU ARE WORKING: Make sure you read or listen to directions and that you understand them. Make sure you read or listen to directions and that you understand them. If you are unsure, ask for help from students sitting near you. If they also don’t understand, ask the teacher to explain. If you are unsure, ask for help from students sitting near you. If they also don’t understand, ask the teacher to explain. If you are asked for help, be polite, kind, and offer your best without giving away the answer. If you are asked for help, be polite, kind, and offer your best without giving away the answer. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.

13 IF THE TEACHER RAISES HER HAND Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. (Freeze!) Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. (Freeze!) Face the teacher, raise your hand and wait silently. Face the teacher, raise your hand and wait silently. Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised her hand. Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised her hand. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher.

14 AFTER YOU ARE DONE: Put your name on your paper! Put your name on your paper! Check your work and the directions once more to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. Check your work and the directions once more to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. Read quietly or work on unfinished assignments. Read quietly or work on unfinished assignments. Students are not allowed to sit and do nothing. You must be working until the end of class. Students are not allowed to sit and do nothing. You must be working until the end of class.

15 How to Properly turn in your paper! Use the baskets on the counter. Find your class period Place your paper in the basket

16 DISMISSAL: Clean your work area. Take all garbage to the trash can. Pick up underneath/around your desk. Clean your work area. Take all garbage to the trash can. Pick up underneath/around your desk. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you.

17 DISMISSAL: If it is the end of the day If it is the end of the day Get together Conduct Folder, papers, books, etc. Go to your locker when you are directed by the teacher Make sure you get everything you will need for homework

18 HOMEWORK PROCEDURE: You may be given homework Monday- Friday, posted on side board You may be given homework Monday- Friday, posted on side board Take out homework each day after you enter the class and complete the beginning work that is on the board Take out homework each day after you enter the class and complete the beginning work that is on the board Homework is 5% of your grade. You don’t have the option of not doing it. It must be completed. Homework is 5% of your grade. You don’t have the option of not doing it. It must be completed.

19 WHEN YOU ARE LATE: Enter quietly Enter quietly Place tardy note on my desk. Place tardy note on my desk. Have a seat and quietly take out your materials. Have a seat and quietly take out your materials.

20 WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT: Get the assignments from your classmate. You have 3 days to do the work at home if your absence is excused. Get the assignments from your classmate. You have 3 days to do the work at home if your absence is excused. Some assignments and instructions may be available on line. Some assignments and instructions may be available on line. If you missed a test because of your excused absence, a time will be arranged to make up the test during PE. If you missed a test because of your excused absence, a time will be arranged to make up the test during PE.

21 SCHOOL-WIDE RULES: Arrive on time Arrive on time NO ugly language, insults, threats, or rude comments or gestures NO ugly language, insults, threats, or rude comments or gestures NO spitting or gum-chewing in class NO spitting or gum-chewing in class Be dressed in appropriate uniform – see school handbook Be dressed in appropriate uniform – see school handbook

22 SCHOOL-WIDE RULES: SCHOOL-WIDE RULES: Beverages brought to school must be in sealed containers and consumed during recess or lunch. No Sodas – carbonated drinks or energy drinks Beverages brought to school must be in sealed containers and consumed during recess or lunch. No Sodas – carbonated drinks or energy drinks Students are expected to deliver all notices provided to them for home delivery to their parents/guardians. Students are expected to deliver all notices provided to them for home delivery to their parents/guardians.

23 CLASSROOM RULE: The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.


25 MANNERS: “Good Morning” “Good Morning” “Please” “Please” “May I” “May I” “Thank You” “Thank You” “You’re Welcome” “You’re Welcome” “Excuse Me” “Excuse Me” “Mrs.” “Mrs.” “Great Job!” “Great Job!” Important words to use in class:

26 FOLLOWING RULES WILL RESULT IN: A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere where we all feel safe to take risks and learn.

27 EXTREME BEHAVIOR: Any student who- Any student who- uses profanity, uses profanity, fights, fights, damages school property (this includes the damages school property (this includes the property of the teachers and other property of the teachers and other students), or students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY. will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

28 CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS: PLEASE participate. Everyone has something important to say. PLEASE participate. Everyone has something important to say. We want to hear what you We want to hear what you have to say. have to say. If your question is off the If your question is off the topic, write it down and topic, write it down and ask later. ask later.

29 PASSES: Always ask permission Always ask permission to leave the room. to leave the room. Do not ask for permission while instruction is going on. Do not ask for permission while instruction is going on.

30 HALLWAY BEHAVIOR: ALWAYS walk on the right side of the hall! ALWAYS walk on the right side of the hall! No talking No talking Hands to yourself Hands to yourself

31 Conduct Sheet

32 SCHOOL-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS: No talking is allowed during announcements.

33 GROUP WORK PROCEDURES: 1. You are responsible for your own work and behavior. 2. Each student must contribute to the group. 3. You must ask each group member for help if you have a question (Ask 3 before me). 4. You must be willing to help any group member who asks for help.

34 “SPECIAL” PROCEDURES: These will be introduced on an “as needed” basis. Library/Media Center Library/Media Center Special Guests Special Guests Progress Reports Progress Reports Fire Drills Fire Drills Assemblies Assemblies Substitutes Substitutes Classroom Parties Classroom Parties

35 What If… My pencil breaks? Someone is bothering me? I need more paper or supplies? I need to use the restroom? I am tardy to class? I finish early? I don’t finish in time? I don’t feel good? I don’t understand something? A visitor comes in?

36 What if… We have a weather drill/emergency? I was absent and need to get my make-up work? The bell rings? (and it will) I forget my lunch money? I can’t get my locker open? I have break detention?

37 REMEMBER... Do your best at everything Do your best at everything you do. you do. Have an awesome year! Have an awesome year! Ms. Langham

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