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Health and Wellbeing Strategy Engagement Exercise POSAC 21 st February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Wellbeing Strategy Engagement Exercise POSAC 21 st February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Wellbeing Strategy Engagement Exercise POSAC 21 st February 2013

2 Health & Wellbeing Board The Health and Social care Act 2012 establishes health and wellbeing boards as a forum where key leaders from the health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities. Health and wellbeing boards are a key part of broader plans to modernise the NHS to: ensure stronger democratic legitimacy and involvement strengthen working relationships between health and social care, and, encourage the development of more integrated commissioning of services. Composition: one local elected representative a representative of local Healthwatch organisation a representative of each local clinical commissioning group the local authority director for adult social services the local authority director for children’s services the director of public health for the local authority

3 Health and Wellbeing Strategy The Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board has agreed 9 priority areas for action 1.Increase the uptake of immunisation 2.Prevent the uptake of smoking among children and young people and reduce numbers smoking* 3.Reduce the harm caused by alcohol misuse* 4.Promote healthy weight* 5.Improve mental health and wellbeing 6.Improve sexual health 7.Delay and reduce the need for long term care and support 8.Reduce the numbers of emergency admissions for people with chronic long term conditions 9.Increase the number of people who survive colorectal, breast and lung cancer for 1 and 5 years *Priorities for 2012/13 & 2013/14

4 Table Discussions What helps you to maintain your health and wellbeing? What kind of interventions/services have you seen work? What stops you from maintaining your health and wellbeing? Are there specific groups of older people in Lewisham who require more support to maintain their health and independence? What changes need to happen to help these specific groups? 35 minutes to discuss

5 Next Steps Throughout February and March there will be further engagement with voluntary, community and other stakeholders including young people and carers.

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