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University of Texas Libraries Integrating Library Resources with Blackboard TBUG Conference, Fall 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Texas Libraries Integrating Library Resources with Blackboard TBUG Conference, Fall 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Texas Libraries Integrating Library Resources with Blackboard TBUG Conference, Fall 2006

2 Be Where the Students Are: Blackboard Real Estate Library Tips

3 Be Where the Students Are: Blackboard Real Estate Spotlight

4 Be Where the Students Are: Blackboard Real Estate Library Tab

5 Beyond Marketing: Collaborating for Student Learning Information Literacy: Determine the extent of information needed Access the needed information effectively and efficiently Evaluate information and its sources critically Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally From the Association of College and Research Libraries Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

6 Methods of Information Literacy Instruction connect with a librarian/library resources instruction sessions in-person and online assignments and exercises group work tailored research guides and links discussion board and chat assessments and surveys

7 Connect with a Librarian/ Library Resources add librarian’s contact information to course page add chat/email reference service to course page add links to databases, articles, e-resources, tutorials

8 In-Person Instruction Sessions Instruction sessions teach at point of need tied to assignments and course goals often taught in hands-on classrooms in the library cover concepts and tools research guides and active learning exercises

9 Online Instruction Sessions teach at point of need tied to assignments and course goals teach through course management software cover concepts and tools research guides and active learning exercises

10 Virtual Classroom in Blackboard: Whiteboard

11 Virtual Classroom in Blackboard: Online Searching

12 Assignments and Exercises exercises address specific learning outcomes teach concepts and tools tied to course goals and assignments skills learned used for larger class project hand out in class or upload to course page

13 Exercise Example: Web Evaluation Evaluation criteria: authority objectivity/bias accuracy currency Discuss in class or on discussion board

14 Exercise Example: Find Articles choose a database brainstorm keywords search database find full text

15 Exercise Example: Popular vs. Scholarly learn about audience, content, expertise of contributors, review process etc. recognize each type of article

16 Group Work in-person and online through course management software fits Millenial learning style (group oriented, kinesthetic) examples: –brainstorm keywords (think, pair, share) –web evaluation

17 Tailored Research Guides in-person or online tied to course goals and assignment recommend resources and give search tips can be used as supplement to other types of instruction or filled out more and used alone

18 Guide with Instruction Session: Example

19 Stand-alone Research Guide: Example



22 Discussion Board and Chat Discussion board –students post research questions and librarian answers –librarian posts research tips for current assignment Chat –librarian holds office/reference hours in chat

23 Discussion Board: Example

24 Assessment and SACS “The institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources.” SACS (2004) Principles Of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement, Section 3.8.2, p. 26

25 Assessment and Surveys Pre-tests: –plan exercises, instruction to gaps in student knowledge Post-tests: –did they learn what we set out to teach? Surveys: –what do they want to know? –what questions do they still have?

26 Pre-Test: Example

27 Future Directions Currently participating in Content Collection trial Automated content Building Blocks/APIs for library resources EZ Proxy server Automated rotating spotlights

28 Contact Information Michele Ostrow Head, Library Instruction Services University of Texas Libraries instruction

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