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TRACI V3 Status & Delivery Plans UPDATE Paolo Petagna LHCb CO2 cooling meeting Apr 15 th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "TRACI V3 Status & Delivery Plans UPDATE Paolo Petagna LHCb CO2 cooling meeting Apr 15 th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRACI V3 Status & Delivery Plans UPDATE Paolo Petagna LHCb CO2 cooling meeting Apr 15 th, 2015

2 LHCb CO2 cooling meeting | 15 April 2015 2 TRACI V3 # 2 - 4 Very bad news: BIG SHIFT announced by Richard French (Sheffield) on Apr 13 th A bending tool broke A couple of welding errors spotted required corrections; The flange for the Large HNP pump was produced based on the wrong drawing; The adapter received from Oxford for the small HNP pump was found “not convincing” and re-launched in production; Basically no activity whatsoever trough the Easter week; Big (internal) misunderstanding: the local workshop had not understood that they are supposed to produce also the “local boxes”, which they have to start from scratch. Additional bad news: the cost announced for the shipping seems to be very high (much more then they expected and were ready to pay), so they are considering now the option of waiting that ALL the units are ready and organize the transport internally with a small truck of the institute. We will explore all possibilities.

3 LHCb CO2 cooling meeting | 15 April 2015 3 TRACI V3 # 2 - 4 New assumption now is that the MILANO unit will be ready for SHIPPING FIRST WEEK OF JUNE. This has some contingency, but experience says that it will be used. The other two units are still 2 weeks behind (the shift is fully rigid) If financial considerations push for a single shipment of the 3 units together, than this can only happen, say, June 22 nd and the units will be at CERN for assembly and commissioning at the END OF JUNE. We will of course start immediately the commissioning of the MILANO unit first, so it will be much useful if a “team” from Milano (Simone +…) can be prepared to come to CERN end of June and stay for ~2 weeks. At this point the estimated start of the UT testing activity in Milano cannot be before 2 nd or 3 rd week of July. If the Milano team is ready for test activity on the stave before, the offer made last month will be kept open and valid: CMS has kindly agreed to make available its “TRACI V2” (upgraded with a “small HNP” pump) as of today, if needed. The tests for the UT stave could therefore start in any moment, if Milano can transport at CERN the UT stave model and send people here.

4 LHCb CO2 cooling meeting | 15 April 2015 4 Update on Coriolis flowmeter for  -channels 64 106 32 144 0.0028… 0.28 g/s Extremely time consuming procedure to get information from Bronkhorst on how to use the Mini Cori-Flow instrument with cold liquid. For the time being still passing through the commercial representatives, with little understanding of technical details. Few clues received, but not clear. From Bronkhorst UK all at sudden yesterday we received a message suggesting that they could produce a special version with remote electronic, which would solve the problem: we are inquiring…. Cost of selected model: 2700 EUR!!!

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