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My Website Plan - Gymnastics

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Presentation on theme: "My Website Plan - Gymnastics"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Website Plan - Gymnastics
By Melissa

2 Website Structure Diagram
Where ever you are on the website, you will be able to get back to the home page and any other pages. Gill sans font for all but banner and buttons Home About us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts

3 Website Banner Design Gymnastrixs Text coloured Black
Font type Ultra Serif SF Sized 29 Image Of Sky Gymnastrixs Gymnastics Silhouettes Home About Us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts

4 Website Banner Final This is my final banner.

5 Home The website I will be making is about gymnastics. The home page will include: a banner, some images, information about gymnastics and hyperlinks to the other pages. The banner is going to be made in fireworks. The buttons are also going to be made in fireworks. All of the pages will have the same font and size however they will have different coloured text. Images:

6 2 Pictures of my gymnastics club
Home Hyperlinks Logo and Name Home About us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts Pictures Heading Info Font Heading 1 Gill sans, size 16, Black Font Paragraph Gill sans, size 16, Black 2 Pictures of my gymnastics club

7 About us The ‘about us’ page includes: an FAQ, A sign up sheet for a newsletter via , a description of a prize drawer.

8 FAQ About Us Logo and Name Heading Sign up for emails Description
Orange text About Us Hyperlinks Logo and Name Home About us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts Heading Description Sign up for s FAQ

9 Latest News On the ‘latest news’ page there will be: a news story about a gymnast or two and a video or picture to go with it.

10 Gill sans font for all of this page
Green text Latest News Hyperlinks Logo and Name Home About us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts Heading News story and video

11 Gallery On the ‘Gallery’ page there will be pictures of: Gymnasts, Equipment Gymnasts in the middle of skills and a heading. The gymnasts won’t all be famous.

12 Heading Gallery Logo and Name Images of equipment
Red text Gallery Hyperlinks Logo and Name Home About us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts Heading Images of equipment Images of famous gymnasts Images of a display

13 Gymnasts On the ‘Gymnasts’ page their will be images of gymnasts and their names as well as their birthdays. Not all of the gymnasts will be famous as some are relatives to me. Some will be the teams for CWG or just the teams in general.

14 Pictures Name Birthday Gymnasts Logo and Name Purple text Hyperlinks
Home About us Latest News Gallery Gymnasts Pictures Name Birthday

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