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Welcome to Junior Infants! September Information Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Junior Infants! September Information Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Junior Infants! September Information Meeting

2 Introduction School subjects Morning Routines Classroom Routines Homework Parents and Teachers working together Expectations

3 School Subjects English, Irish, Maths History, Geography, Science Visual Arts, Music, Drama S.P.H.E. R.E. Thematic Approach Incidental Learning

4 Development of Reading Skills Pre reading skills Phonemic and phonological awareness Developing their awareness of sound Playing games Jolly Phonics – multi sensory approach Introduction of Oxford Reading Tree Word Bags - Reading at home “with” your child “v” listening to your child’s reading Importance of informal comprehension activities You will be informed prior to formal reading homework being sent home Segmentation, picture and contextual clues, blending, letter-sound approach

5 Morning Routines The school day begins at 8.30 when children enter the classroom Hang Up coats and school bag Lunch boxes go into cubbies Homework Folders left on their table Activities Socialisation Fostering independence Reading – later in the year Formal teaching begins at 8.50 Notes may be passed on or an appointment made if necessary

6 A school day! Teacht le chéile – 8.30-8.50 Small break at 10.30am Aistear Lunch at 12.30pm (healthy lunches) Go home at 1.10pm (door to left of main building) Children are “kept” until I can see a parent/guardian collecting them Assemblies on Mondays and Thursdays P.E. days – Mondays and Thursdays

7 Homework Encourage a good routine Complete in a positive way, they will need a little break after school but as soon after that as possible Use writing pencils only for written work and crayons or colouring pencils for colouring Encourage “their best work” Homework Folders on Table first thing in the morning Check homework bags for notes, notes usually in hands at home time 10-15 minutes long Practical homework When formal reading commences, homework will have a huge literacy focus

8 Working together Positive communication Relay information Notes in bags School e-mail Get involved Your expertise is valuable! Motivating and fun for the children! Arts and Crafts/Aistear/SESE Come see me……

9 Healthy Lunches (Treat on a Friday, NO NUTS) Pupil of the Month, house competitions, carol service, assemblies Drinks bottles with sport top Label Clothing Home toys for home, school toys for school Art on Fridays PE on Mondays and Thursdays Parent teacher meetings (November and May) and informal chats (after school) PLEASE SAVE ME YOUR JUNK! Egg cartons, toilet rolls, every so often I will collect for Junk Art or classroom activities Aistear Permission Slips Contact List Things to remember

10 And Finally......

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