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All about drawing - Tone. Activity 1 In the first strip you must go from black to white using cross hatching In the second strip you must go from black.

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1 All about drawing - Tone


3 Activity 1 In the first strip you must go from black to white using cross hatching In the second strip you must go from black to white using pen In the third strip you must go from black to white shading as carefully and gently as possible It is important that you learn to control your pencil, look at Mr. Hebden and how carefully he is keeping inside the boxes. You must think about the pressure that you use – for the darkest boxes you must press down as hard as possible, and for the lightest boxes you should be just dragging your pencil across your page so lightly, using no pressure at all.

4 Activity 2 Complete these tonal shading exercise’s for homework, you can print out this page and stick it in your skectbook’s

5 Pick this picture if you found the work on tone that we have done so quite difficult Complete the work in your sketchbook. Stick the thumbnail example next to your final work.

6 Pick this picture if you feel confident imagining some extra details! Complete the work in your sketchbook. Stick the thumbnail example next to your final work.

7 Pick this picture if you want to give yourself a real challenge! Complete the work in your sketchbook. Stick the thumbnail example next to your final work.

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