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Blogs, Wikis and Podcasting  By Zach, Andrew and Sam.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogs, Wikis and Podcasting  By Zach, Andrew and Sam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogs, Wikis and Podcasting  By Zach, Andrew and Sam

2 Photo credit: Source: adset_id108564_size420.jpg Source: adset_id108564_size420.jpg tCapture.pdf Traditional media at the balm of your hand Podcasting

3 Photo Credit: Zombie’s Guide to Podcasting Source: Podcasting Logo Podcasting is a web based audio content on-demand, which can be automatically downloaded to portable audio players and personal computers.

4 Source: images/sol/podcasts_hero20071009.png images/sol/podcasts_hero20071009.png Advantages: Convenience: listen choice when to listen Easy to produce content Affordable Disadvantages: Requires high bandwidth Does not accommodate people with hearing disabilities One communication, no interaction, no feedback Amateur producer tend to make poor quality audio content.

5 Credit: Edison Media Research Source: 001.png Unlike the traditional broadcast media whose programming schedules lack flexibility, Podcast offers listeners a convenience to be mobile while listening to their favorite shows. Other appealing features include gadget affordability and production simplicity. In the meantime, Podcasting has some drawbacks. It not only lacks interaction but also requires high bandwidth. Moreover, amateur producers tend to publish a low quality audio content. Finally, Podcast does not accommodate individuals who are hearing impaired.

6 Blogs or Weblogs

7 What do people use for blogging? Blogs or Web Logs Blogs are online chronological collections of personal commentary and links. A Blog can be thought as an online Journal or News. People use it to express there thoughts and opinions on a subject. Source: http:/ loFsS_tY&feature=player_detailpage/ http:/ loFsS_tY&feature=player_detailpage/

8 Advantages Easy to create from anywhere with an internet connection Can be viewed easily by anyone and people can give there thoughts on it Can be text, multimedia or hyperlinks Maintaining a Blog is simple. Disadvantages Can be biased or inaccurate information Blogs are difficult to archive or index Deleted or changed easily Source: 17801 17801

9 Source: AAAAAQw/gLXBX2Wg8rE/s400/blogging101.gif Blogging gives insight into other peoples lives that we normally wouldn't have. A blog normally contains text, images and links to other blogs or other websites. most blogs sites have search engines because there are so many people with blog and each person has a a lot of blogs

10 Blogging Logos  Source: /blogger_logo.gif /blogger_logo.gif  Source: 4810.jpg 4810.jpg

11 “Blogging Till Death Do Us Part”  Source: content/uploads/2008/12/953.gif content/uploads/2008/12/953.gif

12 Wikis Source: 11 11

13 u

14 in%20classes-1.jpg A wiki is a website that uses "wiki software," which is something that allows for the easy creation and editing of information, usually though a method known as "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG). THis means that in the editing process the document being worked on looks very similar to what the final product will look like, meaning the user can easily make changes and additions as they see fit without having to fool around with layouts and focusing more on the information. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites, for use in personal note-taking and information gathering, in corporate networks and in knowledge management systems. Most wikis serve a specific purpose, and off- topic material is quickly scrapped by the user community. Other wikis that are less formal, known as "open purpose" wikis have less rigid rules as to how the content should be organized.

15  Source: Email: the old way of coordinating tasks Wiki: the new way of coordinating tasks Advantages -Easy to create and make changes to information that is accessible by an entire community of people -Easy to keep track of changes made by others -Most offer a search engine for titles or key words -Enable an effective community setting entirely electronically Disadvantages -Security issues such as vandalism, which is known by the wiki community as "trolling" -Reliability of sources can sometimes be an issue, since there is often a large community contributing information, and not everyone has the same intention

16 Wikis History The first wiki was developed by Ward Cunningham in 1994 called "WikiWikiWeb." It was put into use on the internet in March of 1995, but didn't become popular until the early 2000's. The main use of Wikis since then has been for collaborative group work, and often replaces intranets in the corporate business world since you can access a wiki from anywhere with internet access. One of the largest wiki sites going right now is "wikipedia," a website that collaborates information on pretty much anything you'd like to know about from the edits and input of almost 20 million people. There are wikis in over 270 languages on wikipedia, and over 14 million articles in total. It was launched in 2001, and has since grown to the largest and most popular general reference work on the internet. The word "Wiki" comes from the hawaiian word meaning ”fast." Cunningham had thought about calling his website "quick- web," but remembering a vacation he had taken to hawaii where he took a bus called the "WikiWiki" from the airport, chose to use that name instead. Source: content/uploads/2008/04/working-the-wiki-way.jpg content/uploads/2008/04/working-the-wiki-way.jpg


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