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How Did We Adapt Agile Processes to Our Distributed Development? Presenter: 林蓓琳 1.

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Presentation on theme: "How Did We Adapt Agile Processes to Our Distributed Development? Presenter: 林蓓琳 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Did We Adapt Agile Processes to Our Distributed Development? Presenter: 林蓓琳 1

2 Outline 2 Introduction Solutions Emphasized on effective communication Building Trust with Remote Team Members Software Architecture, Tools Conclusion

3 Introduction 3 Most major releases occurred approximately every two to three months using one or two iterations during that period. Solutions : Emphasized effective communication Built trust with remote team members Software Architecture, Tools eXtreme Programming  Incrementally deliverable  Test driven development  Pair programming  … University of California at Berkeley 沒有 agile development 經驗 University of Toronto 有完整的 agile development 經驗 Concord Consortium 沒用過 agile , 只有短期開發經驗

4 Emphasized on effective communication Quick feedback (Overlapping work schedules) Time zone differences. Virtual pair programming by using desktop sharing combined with video conferencing. Email and audio reference quickly became laborious. 4

5 Emphasized on effective communication (cont.) Virtual stand up meeting is a good opportunity to ask and answer questions. Weekly meeting (involved customers) by using wiki space to propose meeting agendas in advance. 5

6 Building Trust with Remote Team Members First three months focused on acquainting with each other. No opportunity to meet in person. Each team also worked on other projects. Clear agenda and an expected duration time. Goal of meeting, IP address 6

7 Building Trust with Remote Team Members(cont.) Short greeting period at the beginning of meeting. Information overload. Tense Frequently pausing for questions Network connection being slow. 7

8 Building Trust with Remote Team Members(cont.) Short video conference Email and instant message composed without much regard. Messages were misunderstood. 8

9 Software Architecture, Tools 9 Web services Concord Consortium XML based REST Extend or re-implement University of California at Berkeley Eclipse as IDE Extend or re-implement University of California at Berkeley Eclipse as IDE Foundation(Default behavior) University of Toronto Eclipse as IDE Develop on Linux

10 Software Architecture, Tools(cont.) 10 Foundation For University of Toronto StudentDetail getStudentDetail(){StuID} For University of California at Berkeley StudentDetail getStudentDetail(){StuID, StuName} Concord Consortium Programming to interfaces and not to implementations. Foundation

11 Conclusion Use agile development Respond quickly Built strong working relationships. Delicate time and resources to ensure that we were able to support each other. 11

12 Q&A 12

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