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European Network of Community Health Services Associations [ENCHSA]

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1 European Network of Community Health Services Associations [ENCHSA]

2 Context/Operating Environment – Europe a.Increase in health spending across Europe higher than GDP, aligned with limited resources, therefore not sustainable b.Health inequalities still persists c.Demand for health is outgrowing supply d.Demographics – ageing population, increase in people living with long term conditions coupled with growing ethnic mix e.Bio medical paradigm versus socialisation of medicine, now an emerging operating model f.Holistic approach to health, demanding consideration for other determinants e.g. poverty, housing etc g.Multidisciplinary approach a running theme, suggesting better collaboration among practitioners e.g. social care integration with health h.Movement from mass consumption of care to individualisation [personalisation] i.Social connections and citizens’ involvement and voices now core to policy j.Consumption shift from mass to individuals, era of individual self-determination, individuals in control, mostly informed by social complexities, increased education [awareness] and influenced by IT k.Therefore the role of the health system is to create a supporting environment that enables a sense of personal control, delivers opportunities for voicing ideas, and enables freely chosen social connection l.New health systems and need to realise value from a new source, this new source needs nurturing, and active patients as consumers could be the source of the new values m.Therefore meaningful community engagement is seen as part of the answer European Network of Community Health Services Associations [ENCHSA]

3 The need for ENCHSA… a.No agreed and/or common definition b.There are some good examples outside Europe e.g. CACHCA: Canadian Alliance of Community Health Centre Associations c.There is the need for learning and sharing – connecting experiences, shared problems, shared solutions, with recognition of and respect for varied policy, politics, economics and social operating contexts across Europe d.The need for some framework and/or principles of practise e.Quality indicators, the need for… f.Limitation in capacity across Europe g.Lack of proxy measures and good indicators of ‘good practise’ h.Need to reduce variations in practice across Europe Therefore, an alliance, network, coalition… European Network of Community Health Services Associations [ENCHSA]

4 European Network of Community Health Services Associations [ENCHSA] Create an intellectual space as ‘the “outside organisation” for -Debates - Shared practise & learning - Solutions Policy and “voice” functions i.e. influencing EU/EC Patients’ involvement [autonomy enhancement] as a core element and principle of strategy and operations Community Health Oriented ENCHSA…modus operandi…

5 The How’s…next steps… It was proposed that, ENCHSA a.Operates as a sub group of the European Forum for Primary Care b.Identify other ‘actors’ – organisations and individuals – and invite them to join ENCHSA c.It will be a ‘virtual’ organisation/group d.There is need to have a defined agenda, goals, responsibilities, terms of reference etc e.The is the need to set clear visions, mission, objectives and values f.Align physical meetings to existing calendars of activities, conferences etc g.Initial task/work – could be: “Towards a working definition and framework of community health in Europe” European Network of Community Health Services Associations [ENCHSA]

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