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Programming Photoshop with Javascript and turning shapes into code with Illustrator Tom Krcha @tomkrcha Adobe San Francisco.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming Photoshop with Javascript and turning shapes into code with Illustrator Tom Krcha @tomkrcha Adobe San Francisco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming Photoshop with Javascript and turning shapes into code with Illustrator
Tom Krcha @tomkrcha Adobe San Francisco

2 ExtendScript + JavaScript

3 Extend Photoshop and Illustrator with custom commands
ExtendScript Toolkit Extend Photoshop and Illustrator with custom commands

4 Sample ExtendScript Export Styles to JSON

5 Extend Photoshop with JavaScript
Adobe Generator Extend Photoshop with JavaScript


7 Generate Image Assets Export layers to files in realtime while you work Layer name suffix .png, .jpg, .gif, .svg

8 Convert into JSON, CSS, HTML, XFL, XIB, NIB
Export PSD structure Includes bounds, text format and content, layer styles, blend modes, fills. Convert into JSON, CSS, HTML, XFL, XIB, NIB //a layer object: { "id": 20, "index": 9, "bounds": { "bottom": , "left":, "right": , "top": }, "name": "Just some circles with FX to test Generator", "type": "layerSection” "visible": true "protection": { "all": true }, "blendOptions": { "mode": "passThrough" }, "smartObject": { … }, "layerEffects": { … }, "layers": [ ], "text" : { }, "fill" : "class": "solidColorLayer", "color": { "blue": , "green": 255, "red": 0.004 }

9 Photoshop to Edge Reflow Exporter
Written with Adobe Generator

10 Realtime workflow with Generator (Gaming, Loom SDK)

11 Photoshop + Node.js + ExtendScript
Adobe Generator Photoshop + Node.js + ExtendScript = + +

12 Adobe Generator Is Open Sourced

13 Generator vs. Remote Connections
Adobe Generator Generator vs. Remote Connections

14 Adobe Generator API Calls: Events: getDocumentInfo imageChanged
getPixmap savePixmap evaluateJSXString evaluateJSXFile alert addMenuItem Events: imageChanged toolChanged generatorMenuChanged currentDocumentChanged subscribeToPhotoshopEvent (call)

15 Show me the code already, ok?

16 Advanced commands with ScriptingListenerJS.log
(low level ActionDescriptor calls in PS) Download from


18 Save as SVG <path fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" d=” M105,39 L9,18 C0,0,27,19,20,3 C129,44,120,75,120,75 L3,20 L-18,-9 L87,95 L3,-20 L76,60 L20,-3 L105,39Z"/> M – moveTo, L – lineTo, C – curveTo, Z - closePath

19 Turn Adobe Illustrator vector shapes into graphics code
Drawscript Turn Adobe Illustrator vector shapes into graphics code HTML5 Canvas, Obj-C iOS, C++ OpenFrameworks, Processing, CreateJS, Raw points

20 Drawscript example iOS Skinning with Drawscript
Turn vector shapes into Obj-C

21 Tom Krcha @tomkrcha

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