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National Poverty Reduction Frameworks and Strategies: The Case of Tanzania Vision 2025 (1997) for Tanzania Mainland Vision 2020 for Zanzibar National Poverty.

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Presentation on theme: "National Poverty Reduction Frameworks and Strategies: The Case of Tanzania Vision 2025 (1997) for Tanzania Mainland Vision 2020 for Zanzibar National Poverty."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Poverty Reduction Frameworks and Strategies: The Case of Tanzania Vision 2025 (1997) for Tanzania Mainland Vision 2020 for Zanzibar National Poverty Eradication Strategy (NPES): 1998 Tanzania Assistance Strategy (TAS): 2000/2002 Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP):2000 Zanzibar Poverty Reduction Plan (ZPRP): May 2002  Sector Development Programmes (SDP)


3 Relationship between NPES, TAS & PRSP formulation of TAS/PRSP took place concurrently - common themes NPES & TAS provide broad strategic national frameworks within which PRSP operates PRSP details out the key priorities and interventions for poverty reduction PRSP details out the characteristics of poverty and monitorable benchmarks for poverty reduction in the Short, medium and long-term

4 Formulation Process Formulated through a broad-based participatory approach Coordinated and lead by Government Establishment of Working groups: composed of government, donors, private sector, CSOs (NGOs), research institutions Consultations at national, zonal, region, district and community level

5 PRSP TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (served by PRSP Secretariat) PRSP STEERING COMMITTEE (served by PRSP Secretariat) PRSP Committee of Ministers (served by PRSP Secretariat) Ministers’ Cabinet Parliamentarians Decision Guidance

6 The PRSP highlights the following main features: First, the strategy is viewed as an instrument for channeling and concentrating national efforts toward broadly agreed long term objectives.First, the strategy is viewed as an instrument for channeling and concentrating national efforts toward broadly agreed long term objectives. Second, the poverty reduction strategy is to a large extent, an integral part of ongoing macroeconomic and structural reforms that are being supported by Tanzania’s multilateral and bilateral partners. Finally, there has been a significant change in government expenditure policy.PRSP linked to PER/MTEF processFinally, there has been a significant change in government expenditure policy.PRSP linked to PER/MTEF process MAIN FEATURES OF THE TANZANIA’S PRSP

7 Poverty Monitoring master Plan The four Technical Working Groups: 1.Surveys and Censuses- Under the National Bureau of Statistics; 2.Administrative Data - Under President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government 3.Research and Analysis – Under President’s Office, Planning and Privatisation in close collaboration with the Research on Poverty Alleviation – REPOA); and 4.Dissemination and Sensitisation – Under Vice President’s Office

8 Consultative Processes for ZPRP The Zanzibar Poverty reduction Plan is founded on three main sequential documents, -The Development Vision 2020 for Zanzibar, -A Report on the Grassroots Consultation Meeting, (GCM) and -A Common Country Assessment (CCA) for Zanzibar. - There has been considerable consultation with stakeholders in government, the private sector, political parties, NGOs and civil society.

9 Main activities to-date Tanzania reached completion point in November 2001 = The first PRSP implementation progress report = The Rural Development Policy and Strategy  Agriculture Sector Development Programme  Education Sector Development Programme  Analysis of the HBS and Labour Force Survey  PPA exercise is going on  Poverty Monitoring Master Plan  Continue with proper costing of the SDP Next Steps  Preparation of the Second PRSP Progress Report

10 PRSP and PER/MTEF What is PER/MTEF process? PRSP priority sectors and Budget Timeframe for budget allocation to priority sectors ( from monthly basis to quarterly) PRSP priority sectors and Budget 2002/03 ( increase by 45% over 2001/2002) Agriculture sector ( increase by 101 % over 2001/2002) Establishment of Export Credit Guarantee Scheme

11 PRSP and PER/MTEF How should Pro-poor Macro framework look like? Pro-poor & growth = Tax Regime and PRSP (private sector the engine of growth) Pro-poor expenditure (Expenditure tracking) How cross-cutting priorities can be well reflected in the budget? Is the budget for 2002/03 gender sensitive? Cost sharing or cost recovery in service provision. Is it pro-poor? Education fees!

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