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I can demonstrate my knowledge of Greek theatre. I can compare and contrast the play and movie of Oedipus. I can create a Facebook or Twitter account for.

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Presentation on theme: "I can demonstrate my knowledge of Greek theatre. I can compare and contrast the play and movie of Oedipus. I can create a Facebook or Twitter account for."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can demonstrate my knowledge of Greek theatre. I can compare and contrast the play and movie of Oedipus. I can create a Facebook or Twitter account for a character from Oedipus.

2 True or False 1. Greek theatre was performed indoors. 2. Actors wore elaborate costumes. 3. There were more than four actors on stage at a time. 4. The mouth of the mask provided an amplification system. 5. Oedipus married his mother and killed his father. 6. Oedipus had four children with his mother. 7. Oedipus answered the riddle of the sphinx. 8. Oedipus was a comedy. 9. Jocasta killed herself. 10. Oedipus put out his eyes and exiled himself from Thebes.

3  While watching the movie, think about the ways in which the play compares and contrasts to the movie.  Make a T chart.  Write all the ways in which they are alike and different.


5  Take the place of one of the characters in the play.  Create a Facebook or Twitter account for the character.

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