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Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Finance and Administration Property Inventory.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Finance and Administration Property Inventory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Finance and Administration Property Inventory

2 Annual Certification Due June 30, 2008 Property Inventory Web Site Reports Features Search by Asset Category Search by Fixed Asset Number Property Inventory

3 Select “Property Inventory”

4 Select “Menu” Annual Inventory training presentation

5 Select “Departmental Reports”

6 Select “Departmental Inventory Listing”

7 Click “Edit” for item you need to correct

8 Make needed changes “Update” and then “Save My Changes” Must be a valid room number

9 To transfer an item to another department click “Transfer”

10 Select the receiving department name Click “Submit” The receiving department must also sign in and approve the transfer before the transfer takes effect

11 Select “Items Not Yet Tagged”

12 Enter property information and location Then “Update” and “Save My Changes”

13 Select “Missing Property”


15 To Report Lost or Stolen Property Select “Forms”

16 Select “Lost or Stolen Property” Form

17 Complete form and submit to: Shaun Avery TTUHSC Property Inventory MS 6209

18 Select “Lost and Stolen Property”


20 Select “Annual Certification”

21 Select “Submit This Year’s Inventory Reports for Annual Certification”

22 The name of the person responsible for the certification of your department’s annual property inventory should be listed here. If this is not the person who should certify for your department, please notify Shaun Avery at After verification of correct inventory, “Submit for Annual Certification” Your department’s property manager must sign in and approve and submit the “Annual Certification” to complete the process

23 Select “Search Fixed Assets by Category” Or select ”Search Fixed Assets by Tag Number”

24 “Log Out” of system when you have completed inventory updates, submission, certification or searches

25 Annual Certification Verify all departmental property on inventory list aspx aspx Note condition and location Perform edits in Property Inventory system to correct condition and location “Update” and “Save My Changes” Submit transfers to other departments Select receiving department Submit transfer

26 Annual Certification (Continued) Tag “Items Not Yet Tagged” Provide information for blank fields “Update” and “Save My Changes” Attempt to locate “Missing Items” Report “Missing Items” found to Property Inventory Staff Report departmental property not on inventory list to Property Inventory staff

27 Annual Certification (Continued) Complete and submit “Loss of Property” form for missing items at (Click on “Lost or Stolen Property” form) Verify submitted changes to departmental inventory in Property Inventory System Submit “Inventory Report” for approval Department head must approve and submit “Annual Certification” of departmental inventory by June 30, 2008

28 Property Inventory Contacts Shaun Avery (806)743-1888 ext 235 Jerry Sparks Carole Wardroup (806)743-1888 ext 264 Laree Bomar (806)743-1888 ext 258

29 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Finance and Administration Property Management

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