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Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Market Operations Standing Committee September 22, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Market Operations Standing Committee September 22, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Market Operations Standing Committee September 22, 2003

2 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Previous Meeting Minutes July 23, 2003 Posted Draft August 15, 2003 for Participant Comment Comment Period Closed August 25, 2003 –No Comments Received Posted as Final September 3, 2003

3 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Previous Meeting Minutes - Actions

4 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Committee Reports Regulatory Affairs –September 11, 2003 Information Request from NAESB IMO Fee Submission ISO Benchmarking Initiative IMO License Renewal Regulatory Approvals for GTA & Toronto Supply FERC’s Final Rule on Standard Generator Interconnection Procedures Northeast Regional Planning IMO’s Environmental Tracking System Fee Submission Including Proposed Fee Schedule and Methodology –Next Meeting - September 30, 2003

5 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO Committee Reports ITSC –September 9, 2003 Information Dissemination Strategy – Update XML Demo Web Service – Directions –Next Meeting - November 12, 2003

6 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO MOSC Sub Committee Reports Settlements –No Activity since July 22, 2003 Meeting F&A –No Activity since July 22, 2003 Meeting –Next meeting October 15, 2003

7 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO MOSC Sub Committee Reports Metering SC –August 28, 2003  Results of the Measurement Error Correction Consultation  Results of the Metering Service Provider market study  Seal expiry - 2003 year end  Metering Service Provider - unbundling of fees  Versioning of Master Files  Non-approved instrument transformers  Non-Blondel installations - examples  Meter communications strategy  Recent changes to the Hardware standard. – Next Meeting - November 13, 2003

8 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO MOSC Sub Committee Reports Outage Planning –New Chair - Mark Wilson –Meeting - August 13, 2003 Develop Strawman of Issues –Next Meeting - September 24, 2003 Continue Development of Strawman

9 Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO MOSC Sub Committee Reports Intertie Trading –Chair - Bill Wilbur –Terms of Reference - Under development Conference Call September 18, 2003 –E-tag / Email Functionality Changes –Simplification of Boundary Entity Resources –NERC Tagging of Quebec Wheels –NY Transaction Scheduling Protocol Review –MACD - Intertie Transaction Failure Review Next Meeting - TBD - Expected late October

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