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Published byMatthew Bailey Modified over 9 years ago
HR Advisory Council Meeting October 13, 2015
Welcome, Introductions & Announcements Region One ESC HR Specialist……
Educator Preparation Programs Project Pace ILP3
(a) School district administrators have the authority and responsibility to determine the number of educational aides and level of job performance desired for the operation of the school district. The school district administrator is responsible for preparing accurate job descriptions for each assignment, classifying each assignment, and filling these assignments with individuals certified according to this subchapter. (b) An appropriate educational aide certificate shall be issued to a qualified individual who is recommended by the employing superintendent or his or her designee and who meets the requirements of this subchapter. The school district shall submit a completed application and recommendation for an educational aide certificate to Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff. The applicant shall pay the designated fee. (c) The applicant for an educational aide certificate must be able to communicate, listen, read, write, and comprehend the English language sufficiently to use it easily and readily in daily communication. (d) An individual with experience in other states must have that experience verified on a teacher service record when he or she is employed in a Texas school district. (e) An applicant for an educational aide certificate is subject to the provisions in §230.11(b)(1)-(5) of this title (relating to General Requirements). General Procedures for Educational Aide certificates §230.53 adopted to be effective August 12, 2012
Texas Educator Certification requirements: §230.11 (b)(1-5) adopted to be effective August 12, 2012 (1) be at least 18 years of age; (2) submit to the criminal history review required by the Texas Education Code (TEC) §22.0831, not be disqualified by the TEC, §21.058, §21.060, or other Texas statute, and not be subject to administrative denial pursuant to §249.12 of this title (relating to Administrative Denial; Appeal) or a pending proceeding under Chapter 249 of this title (relating to Disciplinary Proceedings, Sanctions, and Contested Cases); (3) not be disqualified by federal law; (4) be willing to support and defend the constitutions of the United States and Texas; (5) be able to communicate, listen, read, write, and comprehend the English language sufficiently to use it easily and readily in daily communication and teaching. English language proficiency shall be evidenced by one of the following: (A) completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States; (B) if an undergraduate or graduate degree was earned at an institution of higher education outside of the United States, evidence must be provided under procedures approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff that the primary language of instruction was English; or (C) verification of satisfactory scores on an English language proficiency examination(s) approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC);
NCLB HQ Survey 15 - 16 TAA Letter dated 8/17/15 Sample 15-16 NCLB HQ survey Instructions for 15-16 NCLB HQ survey Region One ESC Contact: Dr. Tina McIntyre (984-6027) or Melissa Aguero Ramirez (984-6100) or TEA NCLB Contact: Viviana Lopez (512)
NCLB Timeline 2015-2016 Snapshot Date - September 16, 2015 Campus Reporting of Highly Qualified Teacher Compliance Report (2015-2016 Highly Qualified Teacher Data) - Due Date November 18, 2015 LEA Public Reporting of Progress in Meeting Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements (2015-2016 Highly Qualified Teacher Data) - Due Date December 16, 2015 Principal’s Attestation of Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements (2015-2016 Highly Qualified Teacher Data) - Due Date December 16, 2015 End of Year Snapshot - June 15, 2016
School District Requirements Any LEA that receives Title I, Part A funds and has all (100%) core academic subject area classes taught by teachers meeting the highly qualified requirements on all campuses (whether Title I served or not) must continue to maintain a district-level highly qualified recruitment and retention plan that specifies the strategies the LEA will implement on campuses to ensure the LEA and all campuses remain with 100% of core academic subject area classes taught by highly qualified teachers.
LEAs that receive Title I, Part A funds must also include the following statutory Title I, Part A requirements in their LEA (district) plan: providing staff development (coordinated with Title II, Part A professional development) to teachers, principals, and other appropriate staff to meet the teacher quality annual measurable objectives (TQAMO) describing how the LEA will meet the highly qualified teacher requirements working in consultation with campuses as they develop and implement their campus plans/activities under NCLB, describing how the LEA will comply with the requirements of NCLB, regarding the qualifications of teachers and professional development describing how the LEA will ensure, through incentives for voluntary transfers, the provision of professional development, recruitment programs, or other effective strategies, that low-income students and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by unqualified, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers. School District Requirements
Schoolwide campuses strategies for providing instruction by highly qualified teachers strategies for providing high-quality, on-going staff development to maintain (retain)100% of classes taught by highly qualified teachers in the core academic subject areas to enable all children to meet the state’s academic achievement standards S trategies for attracting high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools Targeted assistance campuses strategies for providing instruction by highly qualified teachers Strategies for providing high-quality, on-going staff development to maintain (retain) 100% of classes taught by highly qualified teachers in the core academic subject areas Title I, Part A campuses must include in campus plans School District (Campus) Requirements
Core Academic Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses = HQ Requirements 8/24/2015 CourseCredit Satisfied Business EnglishEnglish Digital ElectronicsMathematics Engineering MathematicsMathematics Financial MathematicsMathematics Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Mathematics Statistics and Risk ManagementMathematics Advanced Animal ScienceScience Advanced BiotechnologyScience Advanced Plant and Soil ScienceScience Anatomy and PhysiologyScience Engineering Design and Problem SolvingScience Food ScienceScience Forensic ScienceScience Medical MicrobiologyScience PathophysiologyScience Principles of EngineeringScience Principles of TechnologyScience Scientific Research and DesignScience
Paraprofessional Requirements an Associate’s degree or higher; OR have completed two years of study at an institute of higher education, OR passed a rigorous state or local assessment demonstrating one of the following: 1.Knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing in the core academic subject areas; 2.Reading readiness, writing readiness, or mathematics readiness, as appropriate ents_for_Highly_Qualified_Paraprofessionals/
Institution of Higher Education – Paraprofessional Requirements 1)admits as regular students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education, or the recognized equivalent of such a certificate; 2)is legally authorized within such State to provide a program of education beyond secondary education; 3)provides an educational program for which the institution awards a bachelor’s degree or provides not less than a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward such a degree; 4)is a public or other non-profit institution; and 5)is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association or, if not so accredited, is an institution that has been granted pre-accreditation by such an agency or association that has been recognized by the Secretary for the granting of pre- accreditation status, and the Secretary has determined that there is satisfactory assurance that the institution will meet the accreditation standards of such an agency or association within a reasonable time. NCLB: Section 9101(24)
Validation Randomly selected 3 separate processes Teacher Status Validation TEA validates LEA’s determination of HQ status Starts in October Principal Attestation Validation LEA will submit principal’s attestation(s) as requested Starts after 12/16/15 Parent Notification Validation LEA will submit copies of letter to parents notifying them that child was taught for 4 or more weeks by a teacher that wasn’t HQ Starts in late September
NCLB sample forms The following forms can be found at _Teachers/NCLB_Sample_Forms/ _Teachers/NCLB_Sample_Forms/ Parent “Right to Know” notification of teacher qualifications Parent notification of child being taught by a Teacher that is not HQ Principal Attestation
NCLB Sample Worksheets Teacher worksheets: Highly_Qualified_Teacher_Determination_Forms/ For Elementary teachers (PK – 5) New Elementary Teacher Experienced Elementary Teacher Elementary Special Education Elementary HOUSE For Secondary teachers (6 – 12) Secondary Teacher Secondary HOUSE Secondary Special Education Secondary Special Education HOUSE Secondary CTE/Technology Applications Secondary CTE/Technology Applications HOUSE Instructional Aide worksheet: rs/Requirements_for_Highly_Qualified_Paraprofessionals/ rs/Requirements_for_Highly_Qualified_Paraprofessionals/
LEA consequences for not reaching 100% HQ Teachers HQTFDA & HQTCIP due December Template & instructions available chers/Highly_Qualified_Teacher_Continuous_Improvement_Plan_Process/ chers/Highly_Qualified_Teacher_Continuous_Improvement_Plan_Process/ Support provided by Region 1 ESC HQTFDA No longer required HQTCIP Strategies & activities identified here must be incorporated into LEA’s district improvement plan.
LEA consequences for not reaching 100% HQ Teachers Paraprofessional Action Plan Content Requirements for Letters Submitted in Lieu of HQTFDA and HQTCIP
Exceptions to consequences If not HQ due to multi-subject new special education teacher or multi-subject rural teacher flexibility NOT required to submit interventions to TEA Interventions are to be maintained locally Must send letter to NCLB notifying them that this is what they are doing
Exceptions to consequences cont’d. If not 100% HQ on 9/16/15 (“as of date”) but 100% by 12/16/15, the LEA must: Update campus report(s) on website AND Submit a letter to NCLB stating that are now 100% HQ
NCLB Technical Assistance Workshops Technical assistance workshop – Oct 13 th from 1-4 (after HR meeting) – Workshop # 50993 Technical assistance HQTCIP workshop - Dec 2 nd from 9-12 Workshop # 50994
PDAS Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required before taking PDAS Must have ILD or AEL and PDAS certificate on file Board must approve all appraisers for the year ILD will no longer be available after 1/1/16. PDAS will no longer be available for the school year 2016-17. Advanced Educational Leadership (AEL)
T-TESS Pilot Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required with T-TESS. If they are appraising this year with T-TESS, they will need to be certified in ILD or AEL. Need certificate on file. Must verify through the Texas Portal System each year that appraisers have passed the certification exam before appraising. Board must approve all appraisers for the year. ILD will no longer be available after 1/1/16. Please let Sandy McConaughy know when you have an administrator that needs to be certified with T-TESS this school year.
T-PESS Pilot Appraisal Updates Helpful Reminders Must have certificate on file. T-PESS certificate is through Region 13 website. Current appraisers are being entered in this week. Board must approve all T-PESS appraisers for the year (Superintendent or other and principals). Please let Sandy McConaughy know when you have an administrator that needs to be certified with T-PESS this school year.
Appraisal 2016-17 Helpful Reminders ILD or AEL is required for T-TESS appraisers and must have certificate on file. ILD will no longer be available after 1/1/16. AEL certificate is available through Region 13 website. Must verify through the Texas Portal System each year that T-TESS appraisers have passed the certification exam before appraising. Board must approve all appraisers for T-TESS/T-PESS each year. Must have T-PESS certificate on file. T-PESS certificate is through Region 13 website.
Need Your Assistance for 2016-17 School Year New School Districts implementing T-TESS/T-PESS Appraisal System Need to know an estimate on how many administrators will need to be trained with T-TESS. This includes central office administrators, dean of instruction, HR, etc. Need to know an estimate on how many administrators will need to be trained with T-PESS. This includes superintendent or other, central office administrators, HR, principals, assistant principals, etc. Please send your numbers to Sandra McConaughy at
Implications of new evaluation systems Job description for administrator Scheduling of training for non-pilot LEAs Verify eligible to appraise Evaluation timeline
Employment After Retirement For the 2015-16 school year:
Three Categories
CTE Updates HB5 impact on CTE courses….NCLB School District Teaching Permit Presented by Eduardo Garcia 984-6243
School District Teaching Permits for Noncore Academic CTE Courses Eligible Courses Noncore academic CTE courses are CTE courses that are not eligible to satisfy foundation graduation course credit in mathematics, science, language arts, or social studies. This includes any CTE course not on the attached list. Qualifications A local board of trustees may issue the school district teaching permit for an individual teaching a noncore academic CTE course based on qualifications certified by the superintendent. Under the new law, the individual’s qualifications must include demonstrated subject matter expertise, such as: professional work experience formal training and education relevant industry license, certification, or registration any combination of work experience, training and education, or industry credential related to the subject matter he or she will be teaching. A bachelor’s degree is NOT a requirement. Criminal History
School District Teaching Permits for Noncore Academic CTE Courses Classroom Management Training Individuals teaching under a school district teaching permit for noncore academic CTE courses must obtain at least 20 hours of classroom management training and must comply with any other continuing education requirements determined by the local board of trustees. Required Notification Once a school district issues a school district teaching permit for an individual teaching a noncore academic CTE course, that individual may begin teaching the assigned course(s). Promptly after employing the individual, the law requires the district to provide the commissioner with a written statement identifying the person, the courses he or she will teach, and his or her qualifications to teach the course. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will provide an integrated form to collect this information for individuals issued a school district teaching permit for noncore academic CTE courses (not subject to commissioner of education approval) and for all other courses (subject to commissioner of education approval).
School District Teaching Permits for Courses Other Than Noncore Academic CTE the candidate must have a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, he or she must have college credit relevant to the assigned course(s) as determined by the district and/or wage-earning experience relevant to the assigned course(s) as determined by the district A person is not eligible for a school district teaching permit for courses other than noncore academic CTE if he or she: has or previously had a valid Texas teaching certificate or out-of-state teaching certificate; has applied for a teaching certificate and the application has been denied; has or once had a teaching certificate that has been sanctioned or revoked; has taken but has not passed a Texas teacher certification exam(s); or has a pending application for a SBEC teaching certificate. A school district teaching permit is valid for classroom teaching assignments only and is not available for any other assignment, including: school counselor; school librarian; administrator; any other professional assignment outside of classroom teacher; or special education or bilingual education.
School district teaching permit application Inquiries regarding school district teaching permits may be sent via email to 4222_25769804223 4222_25769804223
Bilingual Exceptions / Waivers Districts or charter schools that are unable to provide bilingual certified teachers to implement the bilingual program in the elementary grades are required by 19 TAC §89.1207(a) to request from the commissioner of education an exception to the bilingual education program and approval to offer an alternative program. ESL Program Waiver: Districts or charter schools that are unable to provide ESL certified teachers to implement the ESL program are required by 19 TAC §89.1207(b) to request from the commissioner of education a waiver of the certification requirements for teachers who will provide ESL instruction. The 2015-2016 Bilingual Education Exception/ESL Waiver Application and instructions are now available on the TEA Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education Programs webpage at All applications are due on or before November 1, 2015 and must be submitted to the TEA as an email attachment to: The district Bilingual/ESL contact person may complete the exception/waiver application, but all completed applications must be submitted to the TEA in an email directly from the superintendent. If you have questions or need additional information regarding Bilingual Education Exceptions and/or ESL Waivers, please contact Susie Coultress, State Director of Bilingual/ESL/Title III/Migrant Education, at (512) 463-9581.
Bilingual Teacher Fluency Requirements Title III, Part A – LEP programs Applies to all LEA’s Bilingual teachers regardless of funding LEA determines method for verifying teacher fluency Only needs to be done once but for everyone Can recognize another LEA’s determination
Bilingual Education updates Provided by: Dr. Virginia Champion 984-6246
PEIMS Updates PEIMS Snapshot Updates Presented by Belia Granado 984-6090
PEIMS 2015-2016 SUBMISSION DATES Collection1234 FALL MID YEAR SUMMER EXTENDED YEAR REPORTING DATESAS OF DATE 10/30/2015 9/1/2014 Thru 8/31/2015 School Year 2015-2016 School Year 2015-2016 DATA DUE VIA EDIT+ DATA MAY CONTAIN ERRORS 11/02/2015 1/04/2016 5/16/2016 8/01/2016 DATA MUST BE ERROR FREE It is important that districts follow the ESC established delivery schedules so that their data meets the TEA submission deadlines. 12/03/2015 1/21/2016 6/16/2016 8/25/2016 RESUBMISSION DATES As information is received at TEA, it will be edited immediately. Districts will have a chance to review and validate the data at this time and will have ONE and ONLY ONE opportunity to resubmit the data. 1/14/2016 2/04/2016 7/14/2016* 9/15/2016
Human Capital Management Presented by Dr. Tammy Kreuz Executive Director Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness Region 18 ESC 4301 Westbank Drive Building B, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78746 (512) 538-0641 Office (512) 497-9808 Cell (512) 538-0610 Fax
Upcoming Events & Announcements Texas Education Human Resources Day October 14, 2015 Certification Training October 15, 2015 - workshop # 50995 ONE*APP workshop TxBESS Mentor Teacher Training 10/28-workshop # 51004 2/3-workshop #51006 HR 101 January 29, 2016 – workshop # 51002
8-5 first day and 8-12 second day At least one monthly
Dollars & Sense: Good Pay Practices November 6, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m Understanding the strategy and architecture behind the district’s compensation plan is critical to recruiting and retaining top-notch staff and controlling costs. This workshop is designed for anyone who administers pay, recommends salaries, or explains it to employees or the board of trustees. Key components of pay administration will be covered including pay strategies, pay structures, pay adjustments, and placement for new or promoted employees. FEE: NO COST for up to 2 PSS coop members; $100 for additional PSS coop members $200 per attendee for non PSS coop members Topics Covered: Pay structure fundamentals Job market analysis Teacher pay Individual salary decisions Audience: Human resource administrators Business office staff Superintendents
Educator Job Fairs – Fall 2015 November 3, 2015 – Texas State University - San Marcos November 3, 2015 – University of Texas at Austin November 3, 2015 - Texas A&M University - Kingsville November 4, 2015 - Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi November 5, 2015 - Texas A&M International University - Laredo November 12, 2015 - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley – Brownsville November 13, 2015 - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Edinburg November 28, 2015 – University of Texas - San Antonio
HR Advisory Council meeting dates All will be held in the Starr Room from 9-12 December 17 –workshop #50989 February 25 – workshop #50990 April 29 –workshop #50991 August 26 – workshop #50992
TASB/TASPA HR Administrators’ Academy – November 9-10, 2015- Registration Now Open! TASPA/Legal Digest Personnel Law Conference for School Administrators – December 9, 2015 TASPA/TAEE Winter Conference Presented by Aesop/Frontline Placement Technologies – December 9-11, 2015
Questions, Concerns, & Solutions Region One ESC Personnel Support Services committee Region One Salary survey
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