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IDP Maintenance APICS District Meeting October 3, 2015 Sue Nelson, CFPIM, CSCP, CSOP Mel Nelson, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, CSOP.

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Presentation on theme: "IDP Maintenance APICS District Meeting October 3, 2015 Sue Nelson, CFPIM, CSCP, CSOP Mel Nelson, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, CSOP."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDP Maintenance APICS District Meeting October 3, 2015 Sue Nelson, CFPIM, CSCP, CSOP Mel Nelson, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, CSOP

2 Instructor Development Program  Every 5 years must apply for maintenance  Beginning on January 1, 2013  Due date of January 1, 2018  May count 2012 maintenance points  If joining after January 2013, maintenance will be 5 years from the date you join

3 Key Requirements  Principles is being added and require CPIM or CSCP  CPIM and/or CSCP certifications must be kept current at all times  APICS membership must be kept current at all times  Recognition in Instructor Training requires IDP recognition in either CPIM or CSCP  Lead or Master status in Lean Enterprise and/or Global Sourcing require certification in CPIM or CSCP  Ongoing instructional development Applied Instructor Skills (AIS) Webinars Mentoring program

4 Requirement Areas  I. Membership  II. Practical Instructional experience  III. Ongoing Instructional development (training attended)  IV. Instructor development  V. Ongoing development

5 Timing  Associate  Activity must take place at least once per 5-year cycle  Lead  Activity must take place at least 3 years within the 5-year cycle  Master  Activity must take place during at least 4 years within the 5-year cycle

6 Membership  Active APICS membership  Partner/corporate endorsement must be active during any instruction

7 Practical Instructional experience  Stand and Deliver hours of APICS CPIM, CSCP, SCOR, or college-level supply chain or operations management courses  Associate  Not required  Lead  75 hours (as instructor)  Master  300 hours (as instructor)  Up to 100 of the required 300 hours can be substituted with other activities

8 Ongoing Instructional Development (training attended)  APICS IDP offerings (courseware)  60 minutes per year of relevant webinars for Associate, Lead, Master  APICS IDP offerings (skills)  60 minutes per year of relevant webinars for all  Associate  Participate in TTT or LDI during each 5-year cycle  Lead  Participate in LDI or AIS during each 5-year cycle  Master  Participate in AIS during each 5-year cycle

9 Ongoing Development Relevant IDP Module  Maintain valid certification during each cycle year  CPIM  Associate  Co-instruct or instruct minimum 1 full module per cycle  Lead  Instruct any 3 different module per cycle  passing one exam may substitute for 1 module  Master  Instruct all 5 modules  Pass all 5 exams

10 Ongoing Development Relevant IDP Module  Maintain valid certification during each cycle year  CSCP  Associate  Co-instruct or instruct at least 1 time per cycle  Lead  Instruct entire course 2 times per cycle  Master  Instruct entire course 3 times per cycle  Pass CSCP exam

11 Ongoing Development Relevant IDP Module  Maintain valid certification during each cycle year  TTT/LDI/AIS  IDP recognition in CPIM or CSCP  Associate  Co-instruct TTT or LDI with Master  Lead  Co-instruct any 2 TTT/LDI courses per cycle with Master  Master  Co-instruct, or mentor both TTT/LDI 2 times per cycle  Participate in TTT/LDI/AIS (2 of 3) during 5-year cycle

12 Ongoing Development Relevant IDP Module  Principles  SCOR-P  Lean Enterprise  Global Sourcing Reduced pricing for instructors on exams: CPIM - $85CSCP - $300

13 Leadership Summit  More on IDP  Sunday, 1:45 -2:40

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