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Changes for Next Year Students can now take AP Economics in lieu of both Economics/Personal Finance in order to fulfill that requirement. We will be forming.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes for Next Year Students can now take AP Economics in lieu of both Economics/Personal Finance in order to fulfill that requirement. We will be forming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes for Next Year Students can now take AP Economics in lieu of both Economics/Personal Finance in order to fulfill that requirement. We will be forming an Instrumental Keyboarding class for one full credit, all levels welcome to enroll. The Honors Earth Science and the Honors Biology courses are now titled Research courses. There is a required summer assignment which you can start before the end of the year. Most of the tech ed courses have been renamed! Their descriptions are in the Program of Studies which is posted online.

2 A Diploma Refresher Class of 2016 Standard Diploma requires 22 credits and 6 SOLs (2 English, 1 Math, 1 SS, 1 Sci, 1 other) A sequence of CTE courses earning a certification can replace the “other” SOL. A sequence of CTE courses earning 2 certifications replaces the “other” SOL and one of the SS or Sci required SOLs. COURSES NEEDED 4 English 2 Health and Physical Education 3 mathematics (Computer Science can count as 1 if there is a CTE concentration) 3 Science (must include 2 different disciplines) 3 Social Sciences and Global Studies 4 Electives (2 of these 4 must be sequential) 1 Econ/Personal Finance OR AP Econ 2 World Languages/Fine Art or CTE CTE= Career or Technical Education Course

3 A Diploma Refresher Class of 2016 Advanced Studies Diploma requires 26 credits and 9 SOLs (2 English, 2 Math, 2 SS, 2 Sci, 1 other) COURSES NEEDED 4 English 2 Health and Physical Education 4 Mathematics (must include Algebra 2; Computer Science can count as 1 if there is a CTE concentration) 4 Science (must include 3 different disciplines) 4 Social Sciences and Global Studies 3 years of 1 World Language or 2 years of 2 different World Languages 3 Electives 1 Econ/Personal Finance OR AP Econ 1 Fine Art or CTE CTE= Career or Technical Education Course

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