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The Vietnam War 1945-1975. Prelude to War: Vietnam Vietnam was originally part of French Indochina During WWII Japan had seized Indochina Independence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vietnam War 1945-1975. Prelude to War: Vietnam Vietnam was originally part of French Indochina During WWII Japan had seized Indochina Independence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vietnam War 1945-1975

2 Prelude to War: Vietnam Vietnam was originally part of French Indochina During WWII Japan had seized Indochina Independence movement began under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh a nationalist first, Communist second. Founded Vietminh (independence) League in 1941 to expel Japanese. Made up of both Nationalists and Communists After the Japanese surrender Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam independent. 1946- the French tried to hold onto its colonies in Indochina

3 The 1 st Vietnam 1945-1954 The Fall of China to Communism and the outbreak of the Korean War convinced the US to help the French By 1954 US had given France over 300,000 small arms and $1billion. (75-80%) of entire French war effort US defended involvement by claiming the Domino Theory- if Vietnam fell to communism do would the rest of South East Asia.

4 French Surrender 1954 - French are defeated at Dien Bien Phu and surrender to Ho Chi Minh Geneva Accords -International Peace conference was held to decide what to do with Indochina Vietnam was divided into North and South at the 17 th latitude. Free elections were to be held in two years. –North Ho Chi Minh in control –South US placed anti-communist government under Diem (ruled as a dictator) Once it was clear that Ho Chi Minh would win the election the US prevented the elections from occurring. After Diem refused to hold elections Ho Chi Minh began an armed struggle to reunify the country.

5 The 2 nd Vietnam Begins 1956-1973 Ho Chi Minh created a new army – National Liberation Front (known to US as Vietcong)- Mostly South Vietnamese peasants. Organized – used guerilla tactics – hit and run, terrorism, assassinations. Willingness to accept high casualties By 1961 Vietcong controlled most of the countryside in South Vietnam.

6 JFK and Vietnam Increased military aid and sent more advisers to South Vietnam. By 1963 there were about 16,000 military advisers in Vietnam. Many who had engaged in covert military operations. Diem- a Catholic banned traditional Buddhist ceremony. Created protests. Along with his dictatorship became very unpopular among South Vietnamese 1963 Assassinated in a military Coup with US consent.

7 Johnson and Vietnam The Gulf of Tonkin incident. On Aug 2 1964 Johnson announced that a North Vietnamese Torpedo boat had fired on two US destroyers doing “routine patrols. “Routine patrols” = US ships had been helping South Vietnamese do electronic spying and commando raids against North Vietnam.

8 Johnson Escalates the War Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin incident to obtain the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Passed by congress on August 7 th 1964 – which authorized the President to “take any means necessary to prevent further aggression”. US enters into War with Vietnam

9 Johnson Escalates the War 1965 - Johnson orders a heavy round of bombing raids on North Vietnam. Fought Vietcong with napalm and Agent Orange (defoliant) March 1965Johnson orders in First ground troops to Vietnam.

10 Opposition to Vietnam Begins – Reasons for Opposition Credibility Gap- the US government was saying that Vietcong were on the verge of collapse while television news were broadcasting footage of combat nightly. images of American wounded and dead began to make people question the government’s assessment of the situation. Some saw Vietnam as a civil war which US had no business interfering in Others saw South Vietnamese government as corrupt and not worth defending.

11 Reasons for Opposition Cont. The Draft (forced conscription) Targeted low income youths that could not afford college (1967- Blacks made up 20% of casualty rates twice the proportion of population) As need for men increased college students became at risk. Many refused to go fled to Canada or went to jail. Voting Age was 21 yet draft age was 18. Argued they were old enough to die for their country but not old enough to decide on political leadership. 1971- 26 th Amendment lowers the voting age to 21

12 The Tet Offensive- Jan 30 th 1968 Tet is the Vietnamese New Year. Guerilla fighters attacked almost all US airbases and South Vietnamese Cities simultaneously. After 1 month of fighting US was able to stop vietcong. Broadcasts of the Tet offensive had the effect of changing US public opinion against the war. Further, General requested another 200,000 troops be sent to Vietnam. (US Citizens were not willing to pay that high a price.)

13 Massacre at My Lai -1969 American Platoon under orders from Lt. Calley had massacred as many as 200 unarmed South Vietnamese villagers. Mostly women, children and old men. Calley went to Prison. Reinforced the horrors of Vietnam war. Capabilities of US soldiers

14 Nixon and Vietnam After the disaster of Tet Johnson does not seek re-election. Nixon pledges to get US out of Vietnam. Orders Vietnamization – gradual withdrawal of US troops while S. Vietnamese assume more responsibility. 1970 Nixon invaded Cambodia to destroy vietcong bases- seen as an escalation of war. –Kent State “Massacre”

15 The Vietnam War Ends January 27 th 1973 Peace agreement is signed US Agreed to withdraw the rest of its troops. No agreement was made on S. Vietnams future North Vietnamese soldiers were able to stay in South Vietnam April 30 th 1975 North Vietnamese soldiers captured Saigon. US sent no support. Vietnam is currently unified under a communist government.

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