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CS 31 Discussion, Week 8 Faisal Alquaddoomi, Office Hours: BH 2432, W 4:30-6:30pm, F 12:00-1:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 31 Discussion, Week 8 Faisal Alquaddoomi, Office Hours: BH 2432, W 4:30-6:30pm, F 12:00-1:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 31 Discussion, Week 8 Faisal Alquaddoomi, Office Hours: BH 2432, W 4:30-6:30pm, F 12:00-1:00pm

2 Addresses and Operations Review All variables have an address in memory (as well as an amount of space they consume dictated by their type) The address of a variable can be retrieved via the ‘&’ operator The value at an address can be retrieved/changed using the ‘*’ operator on an address

3 Addresses and Pointers Review, Part 2 A pointer is a special type of variable used for holding addresses Pointers can be manipulated using +, -, which moves them in ‘steps’ of their type’s size, e.g.: int* p; p = p + 3; // moves p (3*4) = 12 bytes forward in memory Arrays and pointers are largely interchangeable (explained with examples)

4 Tasks with Pointers Iterating through the elements of an array (pointers, ex. 1) – Similar to using an index variable in a ‘for’ loop, except the pointer acts as the index Passing arrays as pointers to functions (pointers, ex. 2) – Pointer arithmetic can be used to manipulate the array that ends up being passed (e.g. remove elements from the front) – Pointer arithmetic is especially useful with c-strings Passing pointers (const vs. non-const) to functions, returning pointers from functions (pointers, ex. 3) Pointer arithmetic tricks (reading arrays backwards, etc.) (pointers, ex.4)

5 Pointer Pitfalls Dereference has the highest priority (excepting parentheses) (pointers, ex. 5) *p + 1 = 30; // incorrect; *p occurs first, then +1 makes it a value *(p + 1) = 30; // correct; *(p+1) is a place to which 30 can be stored When using pointers to simulate pass-by- reference, you can only change the thing pointed to, not the pointer itself (it’s a local variable) (pointers, ex. 6) – Can get around this in a somewhat tricky way (without changing calling semantics) by using pass-by-reference

6 Pointer Pitfalls, Part 2 Uninitialized pointers point at random memory (a bad thing) (pointers, ex. 7) double* p; // this points at random data Keep in mind when you’re dealing with a pointer versus the thing to which it’s pointing (pointers, ex. 8) Local variables are destroyed when the function ends; pointers to them are thereafter invalid (pointers, ex. 9) – Illustrates the principle of allocating at the same level of destruction

7 Dealing with “Structured Data” Occasionally, it’s useful to be able to deal with a collection of different bits of data as a group So far, variables have been useful for storing individual values Arrays are useful for storing many values, but can only store the same type of value – Arrays also have to either end in a nul-terminator, or they have to pass their length around with them What if we want to refer to a small number of different types of values at the same time?

8 Example: Class Roster Each person in a class has a name, a class level, and a total grade in the class – name: string, class level: int (0=freshman, 1=sophomore, etc.), grade: double (0.0 to 100.0) We don’t want to have to deal with each of these values as individual variables, as the class could be large… Arrays might work, but we’d need one per type of thing we’re storing, and we’d need to keep track of the indices for all of them…

9 Solution: Structures (“Structs”) A struct is a collection of named variables inside of a larger “compound type” Example: struct Person { string name; int class_level; double grade; }; // <- note the semicolon!

10 Structures Cont’d Defining a struct creates a new type that can be used like any other type (int, double, etc.) The individual variables in a struct are called fields Fields of the struct can be referenced using the field access operator. (dot) Example of using our Person struct (structs, ex. 4): Person p; = “Faisal”; p.class_level = 5; p.grade = 75.3; ‘p’ is referred to as an instance of the struct Person

11 Arrays of Structs Our original goal was to create a lot of these collections of structured data Like any other type, we can declare arrays of structs (structs, ex. 5): Person class[50]; // 50 instances class[0].name = “Alice”; class[1].name = “Bob”; // etc. All the standard array rules apply – don’t shoot past the end or the beginning, pass the length of it when you pass it to a function, etc.

12 Passing Structs Around As you might guess, structs can get very large Structs, like any other type (save arrays, but that’s because they’re actually pointers), are passed by value when passed to a function – This means that they have to be copied as a local variable in the function, then destroyed at the end This is pretty inefficient, both in terms of space and in terms of time wasted copying data

13 Pointers to Structs When you create a new struct, you also create the corresponding pointer type for that struct Person* can now be used to point to an instance of struct Person, e.g. (structs, ex. 6) Person p; Person* pointer_to_p = &p; (*p).name = “Casper”; Now that we have struct pointers, we can have our functions take Person* instead of Person – Doesn’t need to copy the whole struct, since the passed pointer points to the original (instead of making a fresh new local copy)

14 Pointers to Structs and the Dot vs. Arrow Operator Clearly, typing (*p).someField every time we want to access a field in a pointer is tedious There’s a common shortcut, the deference-and- access operator, ‘->’ (arrow) p->name is exactly the same thing as (*p).name – of course, ‘p’ must be a pointer to the struct or you’ll get a compiler error We’ll discuss these different types of access in (structs, ex. 7)

15 Pointers to Structs and Functions Passing a pointer to a struct works the same way as passing a pointer to any other type Passing an array of structs works the same as passing an array of any other type, too Like arrays and pointers, passing a pointer to a struct means your original might get modified – const is useful here; it guarantees the caller that your function can’t modify the struct it’s passed Comparisons of passing by value, by reference, via a pointer, and via a const pointer are in (structs, ex. 8)

16 Structs Review Structs are useful for holding collections of named variables – Differ from arrays in that the types can be different, and each ‘slot’ has a name rather than a number Use the struct { }; syntax to create a new type, e.g. struct MyStruct { int p; }; Create instances using the new type, e.g. MyStruct thing; Use the field access operator ‘.’ to access a variable in a struct, e.g. thing.p = 150;

17 Structs Review, Part 2 Pointers to structs can be declared, e.g. MyStruct *ptr = &thing; Field accesses on a pointers can be accomplished either through (*ptr).p = 300; // deference-and-dot, or… ptr->p = 300; // arrow, works same as above Both change the original object, ‘thing’

18 Structs Review, Part 3 Structs can be passed to functions – the default is pass-by-value, which copies the entire struct, and can be inefficient Struct pointers can be passed instead – can be marked const to prevent modification to the original object (const == “read-only”) As with all other types, structs can be passed-by- reference using the ‘&’ type, e.g. void someFunc(MyStruct& thing) { /* thing is a reference; changing it changes the original param */ }

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