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THEORETICAL ASTROPHYSICS AND THE US-NVO INITIATIVE D. S. De Young National Optical Astronomy Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "THEORETICAL ASTROPHYSICS AND THE US-NVO INITIATIVE D. S. De Young National Optical Astronomy Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEORETICAL ASTROPHYSICS AND THE US-NVO INITIATIVE D. S. De Young National Optical Astronomy Observatory

2 Theory Then Exact Solutions (rare) Analytic Approximations (enable rapid progress in new areas – but…) Limited Numerical Simulations (sometimes misleading) E/O Relevance – None (Maclaurin spheroids??)

3 Comparison with Observations – Very Difficult Idealized geometries, initial and boundary conditions Many important processes omitted No radiative signatures produced Theory Then

4 Theory Now Exact Solutions (rare) Analytic Approximations (still useful) Large Scale, Sophisticated Numerical Simulations – Three dimensional, high resolution – Gravitation, radiation processes – Special and general relativity

5 Theory Now E/O Connection – Highly Relevant – Dramatic visualizations – Graphics, animations reveal physical processes Comparison with Observations – Realistic geometries, initial conditions – Inclusion of relevant physics – Calculation of observed signatures

6 Wave of the Future: The Confrontation of Theory and Observations Truly Significant Test of Models Guide New Observations New Paradigm for Scientific Inquiry – Data mining in a truly virtual sky Enabled by the Virtual Observatory

7 Three Dimensional MHD Jet Propagation I. The Calculations (Tregillis, Jones, & Ryu 2001) – Includes Radiation losses, power law initial spectrum Particle reacceleration at shocks

8 3-D Jet Propagation II. The Radiative Signatures 5.4 GHz synchrotron IC-CMB SSC

9 3-D Jet Propagation III. The Observations VLA 1.5 sec 5.4 GHz Synch 1.2 KeV Chandra IC-CMB

10 The Evolution of Globular Clusters I. The Calculation (McMillan & Portegies Zwart 2002) – Orbit calculations for cluster of 65000 stars – Scalo mass function: 0.3 – 100 solar masses – Collisions, coalescence, binaries, stellar evolution

11 The Evolution of Globular Clusters The Formation and Growth of Black Holes

12 Mining Globular Cluster Simulation Datasets Observational Parameters Available – Collision vs. coalescence – Formation of binary systems – Evolution of stellar populations – Role of dark matter – Evolution of cluster morphology – Contributions to galactic metallicities

13 The Evolution of Barred Spiral Galaxies P. Teuben, J. Barnes (2002)

14 Barred Spirals: Theory and Observation Evolution of Barred Spirals (Piner, Stone & Teuben) CO Data Theory v CO + Simulation

15 The Role of Datasets from Theoretical Astrophysics Direct Comparisons with Observations – Verification (or not) of Models Data Mining for Both Observations and Theory – New Applications – Buried Physics Resource for Education and Outreach

16 Theory and the Virtual Observatory Size of Datasets Appropriate to VO – Large Scale Simulations, Parameter Space Libraries Imply 10GB – 10 TB Datasets Rich Complement to Observational Side Same/Similar Tools as for Obs. Datasets Use of VO Infrastructure – Grid Technology, Portals, etc.

17 Theory and the US-NVO Early discussions among subset of US theorists Formation of an interim “TVO” site Inclusion of theory group on NVO SWG Representation on US-NVO Exec

18 The US TVO Site

19 Sample NVO-TVO Capability Galaxy Cluster Evolution – Correlations of x-ray and optical properties – Access all available catalog data Correlate optical and x-ray morphologies, fluxes Correlate with associated radio emission Bin by redshift Form new catalogs – Access libraries of numerical simulations – Find correlations

20 Conclusions Theoretical Astrophysics an Essential Part of the Virtual Observatory Concept – Provides Benefits to Theorists – Provides Benefits to Observers – Provides Benefits to Education/Outreach Drives New Science

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