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Alexander the Great Between 404 B.C. and 362 B.C. Greek states competed. Persia was still playing a key role and Macedonia took the lead.. Macedonian king.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander the Great Between 404 B.C. and 362 B.C. Greek states competed. Persia was still playing a key role and Macedonia took the lead.. Macedonian king."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander the Great Between 404 B.C. and 362 B.C. Greek states competed. Persia was still playing a key role and Macedonia took the lead.. Macedonian king was dependent on his power from his nobles. 359 B.C. Philip of Macedon becomes king. He was captured by the Thebans and admired the Greeks. He paid his troops and used the phalanx.


3 Alexander the Great Philip of Macedon conquered the Greek colonies around Macedonia. Demosthenes - a great Greek orator opposed Philip. The Greek city-states would not unify and so fell to Philip. Philip II conquered Greece in 338 B.C. and was assassinated by an officer in his army. Alexander at 20 succeeds Philip.



6 Alexander comes to power
Alexander sets out to take over the world. He conquers Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia. ( incredible engineers ) Alexander conquers Darius of Persia and then moves on to India. He finally turns back in 326 B.C. Alexander on his march back catches cholera and dies at the age of 33. Alexander spread Greek culture throughout the known world.


8 Alexander comes to power
The breakup of Alexander’s great empire occurs when his family is slaughtered by rival generals. His generals honored as God Kings divide the kingdom into Macedonia, Egypt, and Syria. Ptolomey rules in Egypt and writes a biography on Alexander. The warring Greek states and kingdoms paves the way for the Romans.


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