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Aim: How did Alexander the Great contribute to Global History?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did Alexander the Great contribute to Global History?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did Alexander the Great contribute to Global History?

2 Aim: How did Alexander the Great contribute to Global History?
Materials: PowerPoint, Handouts “Alexander the Great”, “Ptolemaic map” HW#2.7: read pp answer q p 123#3-5` Vocabulary: heliocentric, assassination, assimilate Do Now: Spend 5 minutes and answer one of the following questions What do you think is meant by the phrase “The World”? Why do people borrow from some cultures but, not from others? Does culture unite or divide us?

3 Alexander the Great 356-323 B.C.E.

4 Alexander the Great’s Empire

5 Alexander the Great in Persia

6 Building Greek Cities in the East

7 Pergamum: A New “Hellenistic” City
Cosmopolitan Culture

8 The “Known” World – 3c B.C.E.

9 Trade in the Hellenistic World

10 Library at Alexandria (333 B.C.E.)

11 Aim: How did Alexander the Great contribute to Global History?

12 Alexander the Great Spread Hellenistic (Greek) culture throughout the ancient world United the Greek City-States (Polis), Egypt, Persia (Mesopotamia), Indus river valley Used warfare but, united all the worlds knowledge into one library in Alexandria Led to the beginning of global interactions in the ancient world

13 Aim: How did Alexander the Great contribute to global history?
Evaluation: Which of Alexander’s contributions was the most important and why? What are some things today that you consider part of the “Global” world? Why?

14 Hellenic vs. Hellenistic Art

15 Hellenistic Philosophers
Cynics  Diogenes ignore social conventions & avoid luxuries. citizens of the world. live a humble, simple life. Epicurians  Epicurus avoid pain & seek pleasure. all excess leads to pain! politics should be avoided.

16 Hellenistic Philosophers
Stoics  Zeno nature is the expansion of divine will. concept of natural law. get involved in politics, not for personal gain, but to perform virtuous acts for the good of all. true happiness is found in great achievements.

17 Hellenism: The Arts & Sciences
Scientists / Mathematicians: Aristarchus  heliocentric theory. Euclid  geometry. Archimedes  pulley. Ptolemy  geocentric theory.

18 Ptolemaic View of the Universe

19 The Breakup of Alexander’s Empire

20 The Incursion of Rome into the Hellenistic World

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