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NOAA Proposed Integrated Efforts for Ocean Acidification.

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1 NOAA Proposed Integrated Efforts for Ocean Acidification

2 NOAA Strategy Vision A vastly enhanced scientific understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem available to society and national leadership as a basis for critical social and economic policy decisions Mission To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs.

3 NOAA Goals Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Support the nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission

4 A NOAA-wide Ocean Acidification Effort “This NOAA-wide initiative would provide NOAA and its stakeholder community with the following outcomes: 1) a comprehensive characterization of the threat ocean acidification poses to marine ecosystems; 2) the monitoring capacity to quantify and track ocean acidification and its impacts in oceanic and coastal systems; 3) an improved OA forecasting capability to provide stakeholders with the capacity to proactively and appropriately respond to ocean acidification; 4) offer adaptive management tools and requisite scientific knowledge for understanding and responding to OA in support of ecosystem-based management”.

5 Workshop Recommendations: Putting workshop reports to use:   Biological research needs o o Cross-taxa responses o o Synergistic effects (Ω, T, light, nuts) o o Long-term monitoring of community-scale response o o Base-line surveys of calcification rates in the field o o Biocalcification mechanisms Improved oceanic monitoring capability to establish base-lines and track rate and variability o o Enhanced technologies o o Observing platforms o o Long-term time-series hydrographic stations (e.g. BATS, HOTS) o o Satellite tool development (scale up ship and platform obs, PIC determination)   Better characterization of carbonate chemistry in coastal systems o o Base-line characterizations o o Diurnal, seasonal, decadal variability o o Much improved carbonate budgets o o Community Feedback

6 Individual Organism Interaction with T, Irradiance, Nutrients Calcification mechanisms Calcification-Photosynthesis Link Ecosystem Effects Food webs Competition CaCO 3 -dependent communities Species-Level Effects Fitness & survival Multiple life-stages Adaptation Threat Characterization Needs

7 Ocean Acidification Initiative FY09-13 Weather & Water Climate MOD Ocean Acidification Environmental Modeling Ocean Acidification Physiological Research Ocean Acidification Socio-Economic Modeling Ocean Carbon Acidification and Observing System Satellite Monitoring of Sentinel Species ERPCORCLE Technology Development & Standardization Ocean Acidification Socio-Economic Modeling Coral Reef Monitoring Ecosystem

8 Ocean Acidification Initiative FY09-13 ERPCOR Technology Development & Standardization Coral Reef Monitoring Ecosystem

9 Ocean Acidification Initiative FY10-14 Weather & Water Climate MODERPCORCLE Technology Development & Standardization Coral Reef Monitoring Ecosystem

10 Ocean Acidification Initiative FY10-14 Weather & Water Ecosystem Climate MOD Ocean Acidification Environmental Modeling Ocean Acidification Physiological Research Ocean Carbon Acidification and Observing System ERPCORCLEEOP Biogeochemical Modeling Climate Feedbacks Ocean Acidification Physiological Research Marine food- web modeling Biogeochemi cal and biological surveys Technology Development & Standardization Coral Reef Monitoring

11 What is the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)? Mission:To support effective management and sound science to preserve, sustain and restore valuable coral reef ecosystems. Roles: –Lead the cross-NOAA matrix Program: Implement the Coral Reef Conservation Act Address other drivers (National Action Strategy) Plan and Coordinate program components –(National Program, Grants Program, –Coral Reef Fund). Manage annual appropriations. Work with many partners to fulfill mission. –Lead and support the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force.

12 Operating Principles Scope: International in scope, Regional/Local in implementation Foster Partnerships: state and territory governments, federal agencies, industry, NGOs, academia Build Capacity: state and territories, reef managers Implement Solutions: institutionalize experience, promote “ecosystem approaches” for effective management solutions

13 CRCP and Ocean Acidification Main foci: Assess, characterize, and monitor ocean acidification threats. –Emphasizing the identification of critical thresholds and adaptive management tools/strategies. End-point: To provide sound ecosystem-based management and decision support in response to this rapidly emerging issues.

14 CRCP Approach to Ocean Acidification Provide a network of in situ autonomous pCO 2. sensors to monitor ocean acidification (OA). Leverage existing resources and logistical support, and to foster collaborative efforts. - Field/lab aboard Pacific RAMP cruises - Field/lab in Atlantic - Univ. Partnerships for PIFSC & PMEL including JIMAR and JISAO - Univ. Partnerships for AOML & SEFSC including CIMAS support for both laboratories - Data management infrastructure and support at PIFSC,NESDIS, and AOML - Workshops - Extramural OA targeted research grants

15 Implementing the OA Program Deploy and maintain a Coral Reef Metabolic Monitoring Network. - Consist of regional observatories to characterize and monitor coral reef metabolic performance. Conduct a Coastal OA Monitoring Field Campaign. - Network guided by broad spatial surveys of carbonate chemistry and in-the water calcification rates across diverse coral reef habitats.

16 ERP and the EGT… Ecosystem Research Program –Research arm of EGT, serves research and monitoring needs of NOAA and the Nation –Collaborates with Federal and academic partners and leverages resources within NOAA –Advances emerging research topics and expands current issues –Exploration and discovery of novel environments and research paradigms

17 ERP and Ocean Acidification Main foci: –Technology development –Ecosystem modeling –Socio-economic assessments End-point: “To enable resource managers to make scientifically based, better informed decisions that balance the costs and benefits for both the ecosystem and society”

18 ERP OA Approach 1.OER (NURP and OE) Sensor enhancement/development Low power Multi-sensor array Modular flexibility Common operating requirements (i.e., standard bus, timing, power, data storage/archive, and retrieval) Sensor applications Multiple platforms: AUV, ROV, Moorings, drifter buoys…

19 ERP OA Approach 2.NCCOS Competitive Grants: Physiological Effects, Ecosystem Modeling, Regional Assessments 3.SeaGrant Outreach effort to solicit scientific and stakeholder input on future needs

20 ERP OA FY 09-10 Status FY 09: Integrated alternative reviewed by OMB last week! –Passback unclear on commitment –OAR presenting OA appeal as part of larger Climate submission FY 10: Process has just begun, EGT incorporated integrated alternative to larger plan –Interest in OA is high by EGT and NOAA.

21 OA in NOAA’s future Need to capitalize in established mandates and pending legislation… –MSA has requested NRC report to determine extent of OA effect on fisheries management –NOAA’s Science Advisory Board is looking for action regarding OA, EGT and CLE goals involved –Ocean Acidification bills are currently moving through the halls of Congress.

22 OA Legislation House and Senate Bills: ‘Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2007’ –Introduced 11 and 6, 2007, respectively –Senate Bill out for review by select committee Scheduled for mark up yesterday along with 3 other Climate- related bills germane to NOAA Bottom line: –Senate bill may run into jurisdictional battles b/w House Science and House Resources Committees –Congress focused on campaigning next year –Expect 2-yrs for any action on these bills

23 OA: Towards an Interagency Funding Program Town Hall at March 2008 Ocean Sciences meeting: Tuesday, March 4 NOAA, NSF, NASA, USGS, EPA?, DOE?, EU Advancing the state-of-knowledge demands a broad range of research, monitoring, and modeling capabilities. Some of these capabilities may be better suited to the mission areas of different agencies. Through cross-agency and international coordination, we can achieve greater efficiency, leverage funding, avoid duplicative efforts, and allow for large-scale joint funding initiatives. Outcomes: collaboration, information exchange, planning

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