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Streamline Transportation Infrastructure Planning Steve van Vliet.

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Presentation on theme: "Streamline Transportation Infrastructure Planning Steve van Vliet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Streamline Transportation Infrastructure Planning Steve van Vliet

2 Terminology NCDOT - North Carolina Department of Transportation SPOT - Strategic Prioritization Office of Transportation MPO/RPO - Metropolitan or Rural Planning Organization Division - NCDOT Division Engineers Mode - Highway, Bike-Pedestrian, Aviation, Ferry, Public Transit, Rail

3 What is SPOT On!ine? A wizard and map-centric approach to generating, scoring, costing, and submitting transportation projects. Easy to use!

4 Concept of Operation SPOT On!ine NCDOT Scoring NCDOT Costing SQL Server Geoprocessing Project Entry

5 Geoprocessing (GP) Approximately 15 GP calls Scoring Percent of Trucks, Truck Volume, Percent of Autos, Auto Volume, Average Commute Time, many more … Costing Parcel Id, County Number, Area Classification, Acreage Needed, Appraised Value, Percent Area Within Buffer, many more … Geoprocessing

6 Mapping Step Workflow Submit to NCDOT Edit Project Delete Project Export Save Project Draft Submitted Cost & Score Data Entry Prioritize Create New Project

7 User Roles Create Edit Submit Delete Export Create projects anywhere Unsubmit Override Create/Edit/Delete Users Create projects anywhere - Their mode only Edit Delete Export Create Edit Submit Delete Export

8 Demo

9 Thank you… Please fill out the session survey: Offering ID: 1600 Online – Streamline Transportation Infrastructure Planning


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