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SFUSD Alcohol Awareness December 9, 2009 Ralph Cantor.

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Presentation on theme: "SFUSD Alcohol Awareness December 9, 2009 Ralph Cantor."— Presentation transcript:

1 SFUSD Alcohol Awareness December 9, 2009 Ralph Cantor

2 What’s the big deal about kids drinking anyways??? Demeaning behaviors Sexual behaviors Risk taking behaviors Accidents Learned behavior for partying and stress Damage to the developing brain- pre 18

3 Recent AMA Report on Brain Damage Risks Under 18 “The brain goes through dynamic changes during adolescence, and alcohol can seriously damage long and short term growth processes…Short- term or moderate drinking impairs learning and memory far more in youth than adults.”

4 Date Rape – one to two-thirds of teen sexual assaults involve alcohol 18% of Females/ 39% Males say it is acceptable for a boy to force sex if the girl is stoned or drunk 40% of children who start drinking before age 15 will become alcoholics In television 9 out of 10 drinkers are portrayed as having no effects or only positive outcomes from their alcohol consumption Alcohol and Teenagers:

5 1. Reduced sensitivity to intoxication 2. Increased sensitivity to social disinhibitions 3. Greater adverse effects to cognitive functioning Most certainly YES Are adolescents more susceptible to alcohol than adults?

6 Teenage developmental tasks Boredom/ Developing Interests Good times Stress Social Skills Academic Skills Self Identity

7 Reasons for delaying message Safety Development of the prefrontal cortex Pruning and myelination Neuroadaptivity: dull pleasure center Short circuiting developmental tasks Greater need for dopamine Pharmacological solutions resulting in pharmacological insults The research

8 Percentage of U.S. Adults Aged 18 and Older Dependent on Alcohol, By Age of Drinking Onset

9 Prevention Factors Supportive family (tuned in, time together, supervision, fair rules/boundaries) Interests and exercise Youth are connected (school, activities) Social Skills Resiliency (coping with stress, celebration) A clear message – NOT NOW

10 Andrew Weil – Unhealthy relationship  Ignorance that the substance is a drug and what it does to the body  Loss of desired effect w/increasing frequency  Difficulty separating from the drug  Impairment of health or social function Our Own Self Assessment


12 Ralph Cantor (510) 653-9410 Contact Information

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