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2012-2013 Sophomore English with Mrs. Greblo! Welcome back to…

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 Sophomore English with Mrs. Greblo! Welcome back to…"— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 Sophomore English with Mrs. Greblo! Welcome back to…

2 Daily SSR Entry: Each entry contains: -Date -Book title & author -Starting page # (SP) -Ending page # (EP) -Total # of pages read -Reader’s Statement (RS): What’s happening in the book? Summarize. What do you predict will happen next? What questions do you have for the author? What character traits do you appreciate? Find frustrating? What is your opinion of the book so far? Other comments? Sample Entry: 9/17/12 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins SP: 1 EP: 20 Total: 20 RS: Katniss lives in District 12 of the former U.S., now Panem with her sister, Prim and her Mom. She is an agile hunter and gatherer and has had to do so since her father’s tragic death in a mine explosion. The reaping is today and the tone of District 12 is very somber as children ages 12-18 could be drawn to defend themselves to their death in the Hunger Games. I predict that Katniss or one of her close friends or family members names will be drawn. This book is really suspenseful, I’m loving it so far!

3 Mrs. Greblo’s 2B & 3B Sophomore English Agenda: 4/15/13 Please copy this agenda down into your Learning Log Notebook, you will receive credit for it! o Attendance / SSR / get LLN and/or writing folders from the cabinet, QUIETLY o Daily SSR Entry #12 o Agenda: (2B) #12 / (3B) #13 o Announcements: o Please turn in you’re The Lowest Animal assignment in ASAP (ignore quest. #8)! o Read Hair by Malcolm X, pgs. 344-349 ; Answer Q’s 1-6 on pg. 350 on loose leaf paper o On the same page complete: “Language Link: mini-lesson” and “Vocabulary: how to own a word” activities on page 352. o Put away your LLN and/or writing folders in the LLN Storage File Cabinet NEATLY, please! o 3B ONLY: Stack chairs carefully, thank you! o Objective(s): o Listen attentively o Read to determine and analyze: complex characters, the central idea of the text and its development, how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, an author’s point of view or cultural experience, the meanings of words or phrases as they are used in a text, author’s choices on the structure of a text and the order of events o Write routinely over extended time frames for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences o Homework: for next class… o Finish your textbook assignment (Hair) at home if you didn’t in class. Have it ready for our next class!

4 Elements of Literature Assignment: Nonfiction Read the short story, Hair by Malcolm X and complete the corresponding assignment:  Tools: 10 th grade Elements of Lit. textbook, loose leaf paper, black/blue pen or pencil  Directions: Begin by titling your paper “Hair by Malcom X.”  Then turn to the "Before You Read” reading on pg. 344 and start by writing the definition of TONE at the top of your paper.  Next, please carefully read Hair by Malcolm X, pgs. 345-349 (this includes a bio of Malcolm X and a short student essay called “A ‘Piercing’ Issue”).  Then answer questions 1-6, on loose leaf paper in COMPLETE SENTENCES on pg. 350. Complete the “Language Link: mini-lesson” and “Vocabulary: how to own a word” activities on pg. 352:  Tools: 10 th grade Elements of Lit. textbook, the same sheet of loose leaf paper that you’re Hair questions are on, black/blue pen or pencil  Directions: On page 352, please carefully read the directions and complete BOTH activities on the same sheet of loose leaf paper (or add more if you need it, just stple them together) that your story questions are on.

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