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Hooked on a Feeling Hebrews 4:14-16 Hebrews 5:7-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Hooked on a Feeling Hebrews 4:14-16 Hebrews 5:7-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hooked on a Feeling Hebrews 4:14-16 Hebrews 5:7-10

2 Emotions  Part of the human experience  Some say they are what makes life worth living—or in severe negative cases they can lead people to want to die  They are so powerful that they can overrule reason

3 Hooked on a Feeling GOALS  Grasp how emotions fit into God’s design for us  Recognize when emotions are a problem  Begin a path of healing and victory where it is needed

4  “Jesus was the only normal and perfectly sane person who ever lived.” (David Semands)  This lets us know that there is a certain emotional framework that we receive from God that is good, natural, and necessary A. Emotions and Jesus’ Humanity

5  We are all “emotional” creatures in part, and emotions are meant to play a role in what it means to be a healthily functioning person  Jesus knows what it is like to go through the human experience

6 A. Emotions and Jesus’ Humanity  He know what it is to be “touched with the FEELINGS of our infirmities or weaknesses  We see Him experience anger, loneliness, being overwhelmed with sorrow, rejection, humiliation.

7 A. Emotions and Jesus’ Humanity 1.Before the fall there existed a range of normal human emotions that were part of God’s design.  To have strong emotions does not necessarily mean one is emotionally unstable.

8 A. Emotions and Jesus’ Humanity  Jesus provides a model of the role emotions are to play in our lives  He shows how they fit within the framework of our minds, our wills and the use of our bodies

9 A. Emotions and Jesus’ Humanity 2.Jesus understands and cares about us as we wrestle with our emotions  We can never say no one cares or understands us.  We can come to Him with confidence (Heb. 4:16)

10 B. Emotions and God’s Disposition  This world leaves marks and scars upon our souls  This is true from childhood, is usually pronounced in our teen years, and follows us into adulthood  Sometimes it clouds how we view God

11 B. Emotions and God’s Disposition  IN CHRIST no matter how we “feel,” God is never separated from us  He will NEVER CONDEMN US  He is WORKING IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES FOR OUR GOOD

12 B. Emotions and God’s Disposition  HE is FOR US (Rom. 8:31)  He is WITH US (Rom. 8:38-39)  He is IN US (Rom. 8:1-2; 9-11)

13 C. The Holy Spirit and our Emotions  The Holy Spirit has come to help us with our emotions  Romans 8:26-27  sunantilambanotai

14 C. The Holy Spirit and our Emotions  sun—along with or together  anti—on the opposite side  lumbano—to take hold of  Luke 10:40

15 C. The Holy Spirit and our Emotions 1.Emotions are not to rule us “Emotions must always be accountable to the faculties of reason and will.” (Dobson) 2.God commands us to deal with our emotions

16 C. The Holy Spirit and our Emotions 3.Change is a process  “Do You Want To Get Well?” (John 5:6)

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