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 Ever since I was a little baby I have always enjoyed performing. From the age of around 6 I would do little performances for my family including acting,

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2  Ever since I was a little baby I have always enjoyed performing. From the age of around 6 I would do little performances for my family including acting, dancing and singing.  My entire family are also very dramatic which makes it easy to become engrossed in a dramatic life.

3  This dramatic life lead me straight into theatre from a young age which included performing in productions of “The Wizard Of Oz” “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory” “Alice In Wonderland (twice)” “Spring Awakening” “Chronicles Of Narnia, The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe” “Television” “Enron” “Various Shakesperean Monologues”

4  I try and maintain the thought of “treat everyone as you would want to be treated”. This obviously has some gaps. If I am treated particularly poorly by somebody, I tend not to react in a violent or offended manor I just avoid the person wherever possible. I think confrontation is unnecessary in most confrontations. I also disagree with violence unless it is purely in self-defence.

5  I'm agnostic. However I have no problem with religion, in fact I commend religious people for being able to maintain their faith, I will only disagree with religion if they take the view that they need to try and convert me to their religion, that is the only thing that will steer me away from that person (religion-wise).

6  I have always been loud and, arguably, obnoxious and annoying. I just love the idea of becoming someone differerent. When on stage performing as someone else, becoming that person completely gives me such a release from my day to day life and its routine which makes my life so varied which I seriously enjoy and this is why I have always been desperate to get on stage as much as possible.

7  I am very old fashioned when it comes to my taste in music. I enjoy listening to bands like ‘Madness’ as well as ‘Adam and the Ants’, also ‘The Beatles’ and ‘Elvis’, ‘Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick And Titch’. All of this with some modern music (preferably not rap) and some classical including Chopin (esp. prelude #15 a.k.a Raindrops) and Mozart.

8  I love watching fantasy as well as action and comedy.  My favourite films/franchise is the Lord Of The Rings franchise, I just think they are perfectly executed in every aspect! The acting, the art department, the set design, costume, every aspect is nailed to a very high quality. This makes me believe these films are very professional and to be commended to the highest possible standards.

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