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Station 1 – Polarity Each magnet represents a water molecule

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1 Station 1 – Polarity Each magnet represents a water molecule
Stick the magnets together and sketch the two of them Explain! Two water-shaped magnets SET THIS UP CLOSE TO TEACHER’S DESK SO MAGNETS CAN BE KEPT “IN ORDER”

2 Write this down… POLARITY
Water has a negative “end” and a positive “end” It is a polar molecule

3 Station 2 – Surface Tension
Can you get the paperclip to “float” on the surface of the water? Sketch what you see. Interpret & explain what happened! Floating paper clip

4 Write this down… SURFACE TENSION
Hydrogen bonding between water molecules causes surface tension causes H2O to “cling” together Ex. water striders

5 Station 3 – Density This water bottle was left in the freezer overnight Sketch what you see Interpret and explain what you see! Expanded (frozen) water bottle & regular water bottle

6 Write this down… DENSITY
Water becomes denser as it cools…but only down to 4◦C Below 4◦C, hydrogen bonds between H2O molecules force them to spread out Water is the only substance that does this!

7 Station 4 – Ice Floats Sketch what you see.
Interpret & explain what’s happening! Floating ice cubes

8 Write this down… ICE FLOATS
Ice floats because it is less dense than liquid water No other substance does this! Important for pond life—if ice didn’t float, ponds would freeze from the bottom up and everything in them would die

9 Station 5 – Cohesion Begin adding water to the surface of the penny, drop by drop. How many drops can you put on without it spilling? Sketch what you see when the penny is “full”. Try it again with alcohol. How many drops this time? Interpret & explain what happened! Drops on a penny (alcohol and water)

10 Write this down… COHESION
Water molecules cling together creating cohesion, where molecules “stick” together That’s why water forms visible drops on a surface

11 Station 6 – Phases Look at the “winter scene” on pg. 152
What states of matter do you see? Whale book p. 152 picture

12 Write this down… PHASES
Water is the ONLY substance on Earth that exists in nature in all 3 states at the same time: solid, liquid, and gas Water also resists temperature change-- Takes a lot of energy to boil water Large liquid range (0-100◦C)

13 Station 7 – Solvent Add some water to the beaker.
Add a spoonful of salt to the water and stir. Interpret & explain what’s happening! Now look at the test tube containing oil and salt, and the test tube of alcohol and salt. (DO NOT OPEN THESE!) Why doesn’t the salt dissolve in oil or alcohol? Salt, water, beaker, spoon, test tube of oil and salt (sealed), test tube of alcohol and salt (sealed) SET THIS STATION UP NEAR THE SINK

14 Write this down… SOLVENT
Many substances can dissolve in water (universal solvent) nutrients and wastes dissolve in water in your blood and travel to all parts of your body

15 Station 8 – Adhesion Look very closely at the water in the graduated cylinder Sketch the meniscus (the top) of the water level in the cylinder Explain what you see! Small graduated cylinder of colored water

16 Write this down… ADHESION
Water clings to surfaces like glass, your skin, etc. (adhesion) This explains how trees “pull” water up through thin capillary tubes

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