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Emergence of Modern Science The Cell. How did life begin? What is a cell, and why is it so important to life? Is a virus alive? How are living organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergence of Modern Science The Cell. How did life begin? What is a cell, and why is it so important to life? Is a virus alive? How are living organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergence of Modern Science The Cell

2 How did life begin? What is a cell, and why is it so important to life? Is a virus alive? How are living organisms organized? What are tissues, organs, and organ systems?

3 Cell Theory Leeuwenhoek Hooke Schleiden and Schwann All living things are composed of cells The cell is the fundamental unit of life All cells arise from previous cells

4 Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Archaea Bacteria Eukaryotes Protista Plants Animals

5 The World of Prokaryotes Aerobes Anaerobes Facultative anaerobes Obligate anaerobes Extremophiles

6 Monera Bacteria (eubacteria) Archaea (archaebacteria) Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)

7 Bacterial Diversity Proteobacteria Alpha Proteobacteria Beta Proteobacteria Gamma Protobacteria Delta Protobacteria Epsilon Protobacteria Chlamydias Spirochetes Gram-Positive Bacteria Cyanobacteria

8 Prokaryotic Cells Size Shape Cocci Bacilli Spirilla spirochetes

9 Nutrition Photoautotrophs cyanobacteria Chemoautotrophs Nitrogen Fixation Methanogens Sulfur reducing Photoheterotrophs Chemoheterotrophs Saprophytes parasites

10 Eukaryotes Protists Plants Fungi Animals

11 Plant Cell

12 Animal Cell

13 Cell Membranes Phospholipid Bilayer

14 Cell Nucleus Chromosomes Eukaryotes Nucleolus Prokaryotes Plasmids

15 Organelles Chloroplasts Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes Mitochondria Golgi Apparatus

16 Vacuoles and Vesicles Water Vacuoles Food Vacuoles Vesicles Lysosomes

17 Cellular Metabolism Photosynthesis Respiration Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation) Aerobic Respiration

18 Glycolysis Krebs Cycle

19 Cellular Reproduction Mitosis Meiosis

20 Development

21 Quiz 1. T or F, prokaryotes lack organelles. 2. T or F, the cell membrane is semi-permeable. 3. T or F, the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. 4. T or F, Meiosis forms gametes. 5. T or F, the blastula is the 4 cell stage of development.

22 Organismal Biology Stimulus, response. Stimulus, response. Don’t you ever think?

23 What is Functional Biology Anatomy Physiology

24 Tissues Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Nervous Tissue Muscle Tissue

25 Epithelial Tissue

26 Connective Tissue

27 Nervous Tisue

28 Muscular Tissue

29 Organ Systems Thoracic Cavity Abdominal Cavity Mesenteries

30 BioPhysics Physical Chemistry Surface Area Force and Motion Gravity Body size

31 Homeostasis Positive Feedback Negative Feedback Body Fluids

32 Metabolism

33 Energy Budgets

34 Animal Nutrition Nutrients Caloric Needs Essential Nutrients Essential Amino Acids Essential Fatty Acids Vitamins and Minerals Homeostasis



37 Essential Amino Acids

38 Feeding Mechanisms Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Suspension Feeders Substrate Feeders Deposit Feeders Fluid Feeders Bulk Feeders

39 Food Processing Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination

40 Comparative Anatomy

41 Absorption of Nutrients

42 Enzymes Carbohydrate Digestion Protein Digestion Nucleic Acid Digestion Fat Digestion

43 Digestion

44 Absorption of Nutrients

45 Water

46 Adaptations Teeth Symbiotes Ruminants

47 Quiz 1. T or F, a tissue is comprised of specialized cells. 2. T or F, your skin is the largest organ of your body. 3. T or F, homeostasis occurs when the body is fighting disease. 4. T or F, herbivores eat only meat. 5. T or F, enzymes act as catalysts for biological reactions.

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