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What is Stress? An imbalance between demand and ability to meet those demands in the allotted time frame.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Stress? An imbalance between demand and ability to meet those demands in the allotted time frame."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Stress? An imbalance between demand and ability to meet those demands in the allotted time frame.

2 Types of Stress Eustress Distress desirable outcome of stress
motivational results Distress negative outcome results in emotional and physical illness

3 Individual Differences in Stress
Stress Personalities Type A vs. Type B Pessimists vs. Optimists Dempcy & Tihista’s Seven Personality Types Gender, Ethnicity, Race Stress Sensitization

4 Dempcy & Tihista’s Seven Personality Types
Pleasers Internal Timekeepers Strivers Inner Con Artists Critical Judges Worriers Sabertooths

5 Stressors Personal Fear Resistance Resentment

6 Stressors Occupational
Role conflict Role ambiguity Role overload Poor person/organization fit Work environment Change Relations with others

7 Stressors Others Minor frustration Forecasting Residual

8 Organizational Consequences of Stress
Job Burnout Job Performance (curvilinear relationship) Increased Absenteeism Increased Turnover Drug/Alcohol Abuse

9 Managing Stress Planning for Stress
Exercise Laughter Diet Quit or reduce smoking Sleep Support groups Self-empowerment Coping skills

10 Managing Stress During and After Stress
Relaxation techniques Time management

11 Workplace Violence Perpetrators
Under severe stress Male years of age Self-esteem tied to job Fond of violent films Own several guns with ready access Subscribes to Soldier of Fortune Loner

12 Reducing Workplace Violence
Security measures Better employee screening methods Increased management awareness

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