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WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES The work package deals with 20 T field accelerator-type configurations and its consequences on mechanics and materials: The purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES The work package deals with 20 T field accelerator-type configurations and its consequences on mechanics and materials: The purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES The work package deals with 20 T field accelerator-type configurations and its consequences on mechanics and materials: The purpose of this work package is to study materials under the large stresses generated in such new configurations, Which are the mechanical properties needed, depending on the layout configurations (figure below) and on the location inside the magnet, Which materials are suitable for these properties ? Do they exist ? | PAGE 1 WP6 | 04/09/2015

2 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES 0. We started from EucARD2 and J. von Nugteren study (done), 1. We selected of a limited number (4) of adequate configurations to study (in progress), 2. Mechanical study for each configuration (in progress), 3. Selection of appropriate materials (to do), 4. Report (to do) | PAGE 2 WP6 | 04/09/2015

3 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES Configuration studied: cos theta in FRESCA2 outsert (done), | PAGE 3 Cos theta – 2 layers Pre-stress + cooling down + Laplace forces Cos theta – 1 layer Azimuthal stress: 235 MPa Von Mises stress: 515 MPa WP6 | 04/09/2015

4 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES Configuration studied: blocks (stacked conductors) in FRESCA2 outsert (done), | PAGE 4 Titanium CuBe (yellow) External tube (SS316) Red: Conductor (SS304) Pink: Plate (SS3016) CAST3M Model (FEM) 46262 nodes - 91416 elements shear stress study (conductor C) Total Von Mises stress Total shear stress on conductor (no sliding) Design from Grenoble-INPG, stacked conductors + transposition. Loading: cooldown and Laplace forces. Conductor: The total maximum Von Mises stresses on the conductor reaches a value of 512 MPa. This value remains below the SS 304’s allowable stress (593 MPa). The cooldown induces, on the conductor C, a maximum shear stress of 14 MPa, while the Laplace forces 37 MPa. The combined action of these two loadings generates a maximum shear stress of 49 MPa. This value is acceptable. These values were obtained by assuming that the conductor C was in sliding contact on its perimeter. If the conductor C is assumed to be glued to CuBe on its perimeter, the values mentionned infra become respectively 71 MPa, 116 MPa, and 188 MPa. Plate: The maximum Von Mises stress on this component is 699 MPa which is slightly larger than the allowable one (653 Mpa for SS116). CuBe: Its allowable stress is equal to 718 MPa which is far larger than the total Von Mises stress induced on the CuBe (585.5 MPa). Titanium: The maximum value of total Von Mises stress occured on titanium is 461 MPa. This value remains far below its allowable stress of 800 MPa. External tube: It is made of SS316 material. The total maximum Von Mises stress induced on this component is 429 MPa. This value is far below its allowable stress of 653 MPa. Total shear stress on conductor (with sliding) WP6 | 04/09/2015

5 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES 2 configurations to be studied from J. von Nugteren (FCC design): Blocks (to do) Cos theta (to do) | PAGE 5 WP6 | 04/09/2015

6 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES To FEM or not to FEM ? Discussion about the utility of FEM compared to formulas | PAGE 6 x y Steel: E = 210 GPa Azimuthal Lorentz forces pile-up F ∟ 12-mm-wide cable F ∟ = 189 kN/m σ ∟ = 16 MPa F ∟ = 765 kN/m σ ∟ = 64 MPa Adamantium: E = 910 GPa σ ∟ = 28 MPa σ ∟ = 98 MPa 5 T 13 T + 2.5 T σ ∟ = 55 MPa σ ∟ = 220 MPa FEM Formula. WP6 | 04/09/2015 More « advanced » formulas should be tested on a real case (cos theta) and applied to all designs if consistent

7 WP6: HIGH FIELD STUDIES  The delivery of this work package is a report on mechanical studies,  The work estimated as 3 person.month has started,  Chhon Pes and Clément Lorin, performed mechanical computations (CAST3M) on two possible configurations,  Two others configurations will be studied by FEM and/or formulas; when ? It will depend on Chhon’s load.  Selection of appropriate materials (and possible tests to performe) to do after mechanical computations completed,  Not so easy to simplify with formulas as real life is more complicated… | PAGE 7 WP6 | 04/09/2015

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