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TEA Science Assessment Update Cyndi Louden, Ph.D. TAKS Science Manager Student Assessment Texas Education Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "TEA Science Assessment Update Cyndi Louden, Ph.D. TAKS Science Manager Student Assessment Texas Education Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEA Science Assessment Update Cyndi Louden, Ph.D. TAKS Science Manager Student Assessment Texas Education Agency

2 End-of-Course Exams

3 Executive Order RP53 Rationale Increase number of students Increase number of students –enrolling in higher education –completing post-secondary degree programs –being successful in the world economy by having strong backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and math Decrease number of students Decrease number of students –Requiring remediation in higher education

4 Proposed Legislation Senate Bill 1031-Shapiro & House Bill 2236-Eissler ??? December 16, 2006 Executive Order RP53

5 EOC Exam Development Online only Online only Live test is voluntary Live test is voluntary Convened educator focus groups and advisory committees to discuss blueprint, assessed curriculum, and prototype items Convened educator focus groups and advisory committees to discuss blueprint, assessed curriculum, and prototype items

6 Biology End-of-Course Exam Field test window April 23-May 18, 2007 Field test window April 23-May 18, 2007 Live test window May 12-30, 2008 Live test window May 12-30, 2008

7 Chemistry End-of-Course Exam Field test window May 5-23, 2008 Field test window May 5-23, 2008 Live test window May 11-29, 2009 Live test window May 11-29, 2009

8 Physics End-of-Course Exam Field test window May 5-23, 2008 Field test window May 5-23, 2008 Live test window May 11-29, 2009 Live test window May 11-29, 2009

9 Test Blueprint Guidelines Produced Assessed Curriculum Reporting Objectives Curriculum

10 Items Written by Professional Item Writers Items Edited by TEA Science Specialists Items Reviewed at Educator Meetings Items Revised Based on Input

11 Items Field Tested Data-Review Committee Accepted Items Entered Into Item Bank Items Selected for Test Based on Blueprint

12 Participation Committee member selection based upon demographics Committee member selection based upon demographics Recommendation forms available at t/develop/recform.pdf Recommendation forms available at t/develop/recform.pdf t/develop/recform.pdf t/develop/recform.pdf

13 What’s New New with with TAKS Science? TAKS Science?

14 Grade 8 Science TAKS First live test in Spring 2006 First live test in Spring 2006 School accountability ratings in 2008 School accountability ratings in 2008 Covers TEKS from grades 6, 7 and 8 Covers TEKS from grades 6, 7 and 8 Formula Chart with Ruler Formula Chart with Ruler Periodic Table Periodic Table No calculators No calculators

15 TAKS-Inclusive Science Grades 5, 8, 10 and Exit Level Science Grades 5, 8, 10 and Exit Level For students working at or near grade level For students working at or near grade level No field test items No field test items Larger font, more white space Larger font, more white space Expanded accommodations Expanded accommodations Same passing standards Same passing standards

16 TAKS-Alt For the severely cognitively disabled students For the severely cognitively disabled students Online checklist of TEKS-based activities Online checklist of TEKS-based activities




20 Items Correct by Objectives (Percent Items Correct) All Students

21 Demographic Summary (Percent Items Correct) Grade 5

22 Demographic Summary (Percent Items Correct) Grade 8

23 Physical Science Note 8 th grade students did much better on Motion, Forces, and Energy than Structures and Properties of Matter 8 th grade students did much better on Motion, Forces, and Energy than Structures and Properties of Matter Least variation in Asian Scores (7%) Least variation in Asian Scores (7%) Most variation in White Scores (15%) Most variation in White Scores (15%) Other groups had score variations of 12 or 13, including males, females, African Americans and Hispanics Other groups had score variations of 12 or 13, including males, females, African Americans and Hispanics

24 Demographic Summary (Percent Items Correct) Grade 10

25 Demographic Summary (Percent Items Correct) Grade 11

26 Life Science Note In 11 th grade all student groups had average percent items correct about 10 points higher for Interdependence of Organisms and the Environment than for Organization of Living Systems In 11 th grade all student groups had average percent items correct about 10 points higher for Interdependence of Organisms and the Environment than for Organization of Living Systems


28 student.assessment/develo p/recform.pdf nt/reporting/results/item analysis/ index nt/reporting/results/item analysis/ index nt/reporting/results/item analysis/ nt/reporting/results/item analysis/

29 For Updates Join the curriculum and assessment listserves at

30 Cyndi Louden (512) 463-9536

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