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 Not refute, psychoanalyze: sick, self-hate Original sin, natural man as enemy of God And powerless—self-designed cage Christianity lies—self deception.

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Presentation on theme: " Not refute, psychoanalyze: sick, self-hate Original sin, natural man as enemy of God And powerless—self-designed cage Christianity lies—self deception."— Presentation transcript:

1  Not refute, psychoanalyze: sick, self-hate Original sin, natural man as enemy of God And powerless—self-designed cage Christianity lies—self deception  God sin heaven and soul  Deceptive hatred of life/self  Culprit Greco-Roman St. Paul (Socrates) Hatred of “flesh” v Christ the evangel Last Christian died on cross

2  No god, heaven or soul Suffering v sin  Honest about renounce life and seek nothing Nihilism—value nothing  So not powerless—we can achieve our goal Promises Nothing(ness) & delivers  V Christianity

3  Tricks of grammar and manufacture realities  Can’t get rid of God b/c still believe in grammar Ontological argument and Parmenides “being”  Creating a “real world”  Denigrate apparent one Descartes and “self” (soul)

4  Rationalism structure: real apparent Reason v feeling, mind/body, eternal soul  Experience as a dream, illusion, phenomenon  Buddhism as heresy in Hinduism Rejects ego and tied up with nirvana mystery  Some kind of extinction  4 noble truths—Nietzsche take—honest Decadent—renunciation of life, power, desire But does have a plan—with a twist—paradox

5 Quiz on paradox of desire

6  No more rebirths = no more suffering Escape from samsara—cycle of lives

7  Grow with political support Chosen for self-sacrifice and altruism  Typical results of orthodoxy Schisms, councils, declarations of heresy  Major schism Mahayana and Theravada (Hinayana)

8  Hinayana—small vehicle v great vehicle 乘 How many can be saved? Represented as deeper insight  Buddha story: impurity or everyone  Metaphysical issue Boddhisattva v arhat ideal Historical Buddha and Buddha nature 如來

9  Only Mahayana succeed  Exciting new ideas and concepts Puzzling and "foreign"  Timing at the end of the Han dynasty  Boredom with Han superstitious cosmology  Neo-Daoism, Yi-ching, and what? (like today?)  玄學 Dark learning, metaphysics,  清談 pure conversation about non-being/nirvana  Serious handicap in Buddha story Consider Confucian reaction

10  Prediction at divine birth—father wants political fulfillment  Discovers suffering, abandons political/familial responsibility Seeks his own release from suffering  Egoistic! (If Nietzsche likes it, how could Confucius?) Enlightened and still needs moral persuasion to share the insight?

11  Motivates the bodhisattva ideal  Desire for nirvana prevents entry into nirvana Last desire to be conquered No one worthy would ever choose to enter nirvana  Returns to help others achieve Zen wrinkle—Why make it the last?  Reject real/apparent world (Nirvana/samsara)

12  Changes accomplishment another way Desires to insight Some realization, point of view, insight that accounts for achievement Intellectualizes Buddhism  Yogacara and Madyamika

13  Idealist—negative Only illusions, no reality  If self is an illusion, the only global enlightenment has any significance  Time slices of world consciousness  Karmic role of desires Desire for this perception (the ego) to continue to next moment Explains coherence of ideas  唯 心 (Consciousness only) to 華 嚴 (Hua Yen)

14  More popular in China: contradiction and silence Paradox and Daoism Spread as part of 玄學 (Dark learning) Buddha nature neither exists 有 nor does not exist 無, nor both, nor neither, nor  Daoist puzzles about 有 無

15  "Being" school. Flip side of Yogacara  Only Buddha nature is real Everything else is an illusion/unreal  If there are illusions, they are real (Buddha consciousness)  There are no illusions  Early tendencies to Chan Even untouchables can be saved

16  Hui Neng 慧能 and the Platform Sutra 六 祖壇 經  Illiterate woodcutter becomes 6 th patriarch No words and easy enlightenment  Southern barbarian(?)  Poem story: no dust to wipe from the mirror No illusions to dispel Kyoto Stories

17  Pounds rice, carries wood  Enlightened before he went to the temple  Leaves monastery to return to Gwangdong mountains! Throws away the robe signifying status

18  Cultural revolution against Buddhism Foreign, too intellectualized v practical native philosophies Egalitarian tendencies  Southern movement Internal reform of Buddhism along Daoist lines Shift of center of Chinese intellectual culture

19  Shen Hui the real influence Vanquished Shen Xiu and Northern 禪 Chan  Sudden v. gradual enlightenment Cultivation to some goal v Give up the goal!

20  Exile and triumphant return  Story-telling skills  Politics and money  Authorship of the sutra Daoist Wang Wei hypothesis

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