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Reformation By Joseph Enge. I In 1517 a German priest named Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a movement called (eventually) the Reformation. I In 1517.

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Presentation on theme: "Reformation By Joseph Enge. I In 1517 a German priest named Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a movement called (eventually) the Reformation. I In 1517."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reformation By Joseph Enge

2 I In 1517 a German priest named Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a movement called (eventually) the Reformation. I In 1517 a German priest named Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a movement called (eventually) the Reformation. A. Its original goal was reform within the Catholic Church. A. Its original goal was reform within the Catholic Church.

3 1. Indulgences: documents that were said to free sinners from punishment after death were sometimes sold. 1. Indulgences: documents that were said to free sinners from punishment after death were sometimes sold. 2. Simony: Church positions were sometimes sold. 2. Simony: Church positions were sometimes sold. 3. Over all, the Church had become too powerful (politically) and too rich. 3. Over all, the Church had become too powerful (politically) and too rich.

4 B. Eventually, the Reformation brought about the establishment of several new "Protestant" churches (derived from protest) and literally shattered the religious unity of Western Europe, even causing wars within and between countries in Western Europe. B. Eventually, the Reformation brought about the establishment of several new "Protestant" churches (derived from protest) and literally shattered the religious unity of Western Europe, even causing wars within and between countries in Western Europe. St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre August 24, 1572

5 C. And, the Church did reform, a movement known as the Counter Reformation, but too late to stop new religions. C. And, the Church did reform, a movement known as the Counter Reformation, but too late to stop new religions. Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther

6 II.Martin Luther declared that salvation is achieved by faith II.Martin Luther declared that salvation is achieved by faith alone; faith comes through God's grace only and Church rituals cannot bring salvation.

7 A. John Calvin, (1509-1564) conversely, believed all people deserved eternal punishment (hell) except for a few God had chosen in advance (predestination) to be saved. Nothing a person could do would change it. The "catch" was: the chosen would naturally act righteously. A. John Calvin, (1509-1564) conversely, believed all people deserved eternal punishment (hell) except for a few God had chosen in advance (predestination) to be saved. Nothing a person could do would change it. The "catch" was: the chosen would naturally act righteously.

8 B. Anabaptists objected to baptism of children and believed church and state should be completely separated. B. Anabaptists objected to baptism of children and believed church and state should be completely separated.

9 Scientific Revolution

10 I. Beginning in the late 1400's, as a logical product of the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in science. I. Beginning in the late 1400's, as a logical product of the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in science. A. Earlier, Greek astronomer Ptolemy (87-150) stated that the sun, moon, stars and planets circled the earth. This geocentric theory, we now know, was incorrect. A. Earlier, Greek astronomer Ptolemy (87-150) stated that the sun, moon, stars and planets circled the earth. This geocentric theory, we now know, was incorrect.

11 B. It was Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 ‑ 1543) who first described our heliocentric solar system with the sun at its center. He also identified earth's axis and yearly revolution around it. B. It was Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 ‑ 1543) who first described our heliocentric solar system with the sun at its center. He also identified earth's axis and yearly revolution around it.

12 C. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was first to demonstrate that bodies of C. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was first to demonstrate that bodies of different weights fall at the same speed, among other things. different weights fall at the same speed, among other things.

13 D. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) identified three main laws of motion that apply to the entire universe. D. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) identified three main laws of motion that apply to the entire universe. 1. An object moves straight unless forced to change direction. 1. An object moves straight unless forced to change direction. 2. Outside force moves an object in the direction of the force. 2. Outside force moves an object in the direction of the force. 3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

14 E. Medieval alchemists had combined science, magic and philosophy and believed all matter was made from four elements: earth, air, fire and water. E. Medieval alchemists had combined science, magic and philosophy and believed all matter was made from four elements: earth, air, fire and water.

15 F. Robert Boyle (1627-1691) in The Skeptical Chemist disproved the alchemists; elements are substances that cannot be broken down by chemical means. F. Robert Boyle (1627-1691) in The Skeptical Chemist disproved the alchemists; elements are substances that cannot be broken down by chemical means.

16 G. William Gilbert (1544-1603) in On The Magnet described the earth as a large magnet, explaining how a compass needle works. G. William Gilbert (1544-1603) in On The Magnet described the earth as a large magnet, explaining how a compass needle works.

17 H. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) proved lightning was an electric spark with his wire ‑ tipped kite flying (during a thunderstorm) experiment. H. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) proved lightning was an electric spark with his wire ‑ tipped kite flying (during a thunderstorm) experiment.

18 I. William Harvey (1578-1657) learned that blood moves in the circulatory system with the heart as the central pump. I. William Harvey (1578-1657) learned that blood moves in the circulatory system with the heart as the central pump.

19 J. Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632- 1723) saw and described many tiny forms of life from bacteria to red blood corpuscles, opening the way for the discovery of germ ‑ caused diseases. J. Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632- 1723) saw and described many tiny forms of life from bacteria to red blood corpuscles, opening the way for the discovery of germ ‑ caused diseases.

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