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Objectives Identify independent and dependent clauses. Identify the uses of dependent clauses. (a prerequisite to effective revision)

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Identify independent and dependent clauses. Identify the uses of dependent clauses. (a prerequisite to effective revision)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Identify independent and dependent clauses. Identify the uses of dependent clauses. (a prerequisite to effective revision)

2 Clause: a group of related words which has both a subject and a predicate Independent or Main Clause: –P–Presents a complete thought and can stand as a sentence –M–Ms. Martin explained the binary number system. –I–It is used by computers. Dependent or Subordinate Clause –D–Does not present a complete thought and cannot stand as a sentence –s–since it is important to know –b–because it is used by computers

3 Independent Clause Dependent Clause Ms. Martin explained the binary number system because it is used by computers. Ms. Martin explained the binary number system since it is important to know. Because it is used by computers, Ms. Martin explained the binary number system. Since it is important to know, Ms. Martin explained the binary number system.

4 The Adjective Clause The Adverb Clause The Noun Clause

5 Adjective clause: a subordinate clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. In the 1930’s, Dr. Charles Richter devised a scale that is used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. Ferdinand Magellan, who was the commander of the first expedition around the world, was killed before the end of the journey. Some of us have read the book Native Son, which was written by Richard Wright.

6 Adverb Clause: a subordinate clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb Ariel takes his new camera wherever he goes. At first, communicating with my new friend was difficult because I did not know how to sign. Zoe can explain the theory of relativity to you better than I can.

7 Noun Clause: a subordinate clause that is used as a noun Whatever you decide will be fine with me. (subject) The teacher said that we could leave now. (direct object) Give whoever wants one a free pass. (indirect object) A remote desert island is where the pirates buried the treasure. (predicate nominative) My sister has a kind word for whomever she meets. (Object of Preposition)

8 Adjective ClauseAdverb ClauseNoun Clause If there is an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, plant growth will also increase. If there is an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, plant growth will also increase. Adverb Clause / modifies will increase Amy thought that “Rockpile” was the best short story in our literature book. Amy thought that “Rockpile” was the best short story in our literature book. Noun Clause / Direct Object In 1981 Sandra Day O’Conner, who had been an Arizona judge, became the first female Supreme Court Justice. In 1981 Sandra Day O’Conner, who had been an Arizona judge, became the first female Supreme Court Justice. Adjective / modifies Sandra Day O’Conner

9 1.Many Americans believed in and voted for the New Deal, which was the political philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 2.When you travel abroad, you gain greater perspective on being American. 3.Since both of Len’s parents are short, Len doesn’t expect to be tall. 4.Scientists are carefully monitoring how much carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere. 5.The governor addressed several questions about the budget after he addressed the legislature. 6.Grandma Moses, who began painting at the age of seventy-six, became famous for her primitive style of art. 7.I have read every novel that John Grisham has written. 8.Will you please tell me what the past tense of the verb swing is? 9.It is not easy to understand someone who mumbles. 10.Whoever respects determination must admire the farmer. 11.Because he was late so often, he bought a watch. 12.A catchy slogan is what we need for this campaign. 13.Uncle John told me about the time when he backbacked the Appalachian Trail. 14.The choreographer will give whoever can dance the best the role of Snow Princess. 15.That William Shakespeare was a talented writer is an understatement.

10 1.Many Americans believed in and voted for the New Deal, which was the political philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt.ADJECTIVE 2.When you travel abroad, you gain greater perspective on being American. ADVERB 3.Since both of Len’s parents are short, Len doesn’t expect to be tall.ADVERB 4.Scientists are carefully monitoring how much carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere.NOUN / D.O. 5.The governor addressed several questions about the budget after he addressed the legislature.ADVERB 6.Grandma Moses, who began painting at the age of seventy-six, became famous for her primitive style of art.ADJECTIVE 7.I have read every novel that John Grisham has written.ADJECTIVE 8.Will you please tell me what the past tense of the verb swing is?NOUN / D.O. 9.It is not easy to understand someone who mumbles.ADJECTIVE 10.Whoever respects determination must admire the farmer.NOUN / S. 11.Because he was late so often, he bought a watch.ADVERB 12.A catchy slogan is what we need for this campaign.NOUN / P.N. 13.Uncle John told me about the time when he backbacked the Appalachian Trail. ADJECTIVE 14.The choreographer will give whoever can dance the best the role of Snow Princess. NOUN / I.O. 15.That William Shakespeare was a talented writer is an understatement. NOUN / S.

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