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A Statistical Analysis on the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Variability by Using Large Samples obtained from a Mechanistic Circulation Model Yoko NAITO.

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Presentation on theme: "A Statistical Analysis on the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Variability by Using Large Samples obtained from a Mechanistic Circulation Model Yoko NAITO."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Statistical Analysis on the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Variability by Using Large Samples obtained from a Mechanistic Circulation Model Yoko NAITO & Shigeo YODEN Dept. of Geophysics, Kyoto Univ.

2 Outline  Check the model results with data observed in the real atmosphere  A statistical analysis with data obtained by a numerical experiment

3 1.1 A statistical analysis by using large samples E1.0W1.0 1. Introduction  Frequency distributions of zonal-mean temperature (86N, 449hPa, 10800 days) in two runs: E1.0 and W1.0 ~1K Frequency (%) Naito, Taguchi and Yoden (2003) A parameter sweep experiment on the effects of the equatorial QBO on stratospheric sudden warming events [J.Atmos.Sci., 60, 1380— ] Temperature (K) Close to Gaussian; Heavily overlapped

4 1.2 Testing the difference between two averages  The large sample method A standard normal variable Z : The probability that Z reaches 40.6 for two samples of the same populations is very small ( < 10 -27 ) [T W ] : average of T W [T E ] : average of T E  W 2 : variance of T W  E 2 : variance of T E N W : sample size of T W N E : sample size of T E The difference is very significant

5 2. QBO effects on the extratropical stratosphere and troposphere (Yoden et al., 2002; JMSJ ) 2.1 The S-T coupled variability and its possible causes EquatorialExtratropical Dynamical variability Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SSW) events

6 1953 1963 1974 1985 19962004 1962 1973 1984 1995 year altitude 32(km) 18 Westerly Easterly Westerly Easterly 2.2 QBO: Quasi-Biennial Oscillation ( data provided by Naujokat)  Zonal wind over the Equator in the lower stratosphere (m/s)

7 3. Numerical experiments 3.1 Naito, Taguchi and Yoden (2003)  Model Simplified 3-D global circulation model  Imposed “QBO-wind” forcing du  dt  ……  QBO  u  U QBO   QBO : relaxation coefficient ; U QBO : basic profile (confined in the equatorial lower stratosphere)  Long time integrations N W = N E = 10800 days Fixed external conditions

8 at 90 o N, 2.6hPa W1.0 E1.0 (K) 300 200 (K) 300 200 1000011000120001150010500 (day) 3.2 The polar temperature and SSW events  … key day of a SSW event  Obtained time series of the temperature  SSW: Stratospheric Sudden Warming events 57 events in the W1.0 run 168 events in the E1.0 run cf. observed major warmings in the past 46 years: 7 events in the Westerly phase 13 events in the Easterly phase

9 2. Numerical Experiments Temperature (K) Lag (day) 3.3 Composites of the polar temperature during SSWs A key day is defined here Z significance Lower stratosphere - most significant (> 99.99999% at Lag ~ 4 days) Mid-troposphere - still significant (> 99.9999% at Lag ~ 12 days) W1.0 ( 57 events) E1.0 (168 events)

10 4. Real atmosphere 4.1 Data and method of the analysis  NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data - Winter months (Dec,Jan,Feb) during 1958—2003 2316 days in the Westerly, 1834 days in the Easterly  Independence of the serial data - N is replaced by an effective sample size N’  N /  0  0 : an effective sampling time (day) (of the order of months in the stratosphere, of the order of weeks in the troposphere)

11 4.2 Composite difference (Westerly minus Easterly) of the zonal-mean temperature (K) pressure (hPa) Maximal difference; ~4K ~2K latitude 50 hPa 250 hPa

12 4.3 Statistical significance (%) of the composite difference latitude 98.30 % Most significant; 99.9985% pressure (hPa) Maximal difference; ~4K ~2K 50 hPa 250 hPa

13 ~2K ’ Close to Gaussian; Heavily overlapped 99.9985% significance 4.4 Frequency distribution of the polar temperature at the upper troposphere 90 o N, 250hPa Westerly Easterly

14 Concluding remarks  Proposal of a new experimental framework Long time integrations can be done with a 3-D global circulation model by changing a key external parameter. Statistical significance of the QBO effects on the extratropical variability is tested by the large sample method.  Possible application of this statistical method Effects of the other external causes can be tested by this statistical method. (ex. 11-year solar cycle, volcanic aerosols, El Nino/Southern Oscillation, and so on)

15 That’s all. Thank you for your attention.

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