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INDOSATCOM e-Logistic Meningkatkan Efisiensi & Efektifitas Proses “Supply Chain” Seminar “Peranan e-Commerce Dalam Menunjang Bisnis Angkutan.

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2 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 e-Logistic Meningkatkan Efisiensi & Efektifitas Proses “Supply Chain” Seminar “Peranan e-Commerce Dalam Menunjang Bisnis Angkutan Laut Hotel Millenium Sirih, Jakarta - 21 September 2000

3 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 Supply Chains are becoming more complex

4 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 SUPPLYDEMAND RAW MATERIAL SUPPLIER COMPONENT SUPPLIER MANUFACTUR DISTRIBUTORRETAILERCONSUMER Goods Flow (material, component, goods delivery, re-tour to vendor) Funds Flow (contract, payment, tax, etc) Information Flow (information of delivery, capacity, warehouse, product design, etc) Supply Chain process

5 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 Procurement & Logistic Changes in technology drive the fulfillment processes faster seconds or minutes ERP Packaged Application Public Internet E-Commerce Integration Software e-Procurement Proc.Mgr. Or Consumer E-Catalogs, E-Procurement, Messaging, EDI, E-Payments, Interactive Apps. Logistic WarehouseCourierManufacturer Retailer Available to promise Nonintegrated file transfer / EDI days or weeks

6 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 Internet buy-sell marketplace Catalogs Price Discovery (e.g., auctions) Financial Settlement Requisition Workflow 1:1 Marketing Personalization Order Management e-Procurement Buyer/Seller Connections

7 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 e-Logistics How do you get it there? Transportation Documentation Performance Monitoring Capacity and Load Matching Transportation Optimization Real-Time Decision Support Exception-Based Status Alerts Shipper/Receiver/ Fulfillment Provider Connections Wireless Updates Track and Trace

8 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 e-Logistics B2B e-Commerce e-Procurement

9 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 Manufacturer Salesman Supplier Retailer CourierDistributor Banks Warehousing Customs Supply Chain solution Data feeds to internal applications system Order tracking Performance reports Interactive alerts and notification E-mail e-Commerce INTEGRATED BUSINESS APPLICATION SYSTEM

10 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 Traditional approach Information flowMaterial flow Raw Materials Key Supplier ManufacturerDistributor Outlet Retail Consumer

11 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 I/T Evolution : point to point Key Supplier Distributor Outlet Retail Manufacturer Raw Materials Consumer Information flowMaterial flow

12 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 I/T Evolution : Information integration Material flowInformation repository Key Supplier Distributor Outlet Retail Manufacturer Raw Materials Consumer

13 INDOSATCOM copyright @2000 Enterprise process integration Key Supplier Distributor Outlet Retail Manufacturer Raw Materials Consumer

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