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Comprehensive Review on Dental Hygiene Practice (Process of Care) By Judy Valdez.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Review on Dental Hygiene Practice (Process of Care) By Judy Valdez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Review on Dental Hygiene Practice (Process of Care) By Judy Valdez

2 The Dental Hygiene Process of Care Algorithm

3 What is the first step in the dental hygiene process of care?

4 Answer is a collection of all pertinent facts and materials to use in planning care and as a guide during all treatment.

5 Assessment Findings Chief complaint Risk factors –Systemic conditions –Oral cancer –Periodontal infections –Dental caries

6 Assessment Findings (cont’d)

7 The Periodontal Diagnosis Current periodontal status Case type Classification of periodontal disease Parameters of care

8 The Dental Hygiene Diagnosis Basis for diagnosis Diagnostic statements Diagnostic models

9 The Dental Hygiene Prognosis Criteria for various prognosis Factors that determine prognosis Expected outcomes

10 Considerations for Providing Care Role of the patient –Purpose –Procedure Tissue conditioning –Purpose –Procedure

11 Considerations for Providing Care (cont’d)

12 Question The dental hygiene diagnosis serves which function? A) Provides basis for planning interventions B) States possible outcomes of interventions C) Controls patient’s discomfort D) Outlines specific procedures

13 Answer A) Provides basis for planning interventions is the correct answer. The diagnosis provides the basis for planning effective and appropriate interventions. The other distractors refer to prognosis, pain and anxiety control, and the written dental hygiene care plan.

14 Question What is the purpose of having the patient perform a preprocedural antimicrobial rinse? A) To obtain better gingival healing B) To lower the bacterial count in aerosols C) To control pain and discomfort during treatment D) To condition the tissue

15 ANSWER B) To lower the bacterial count in aerosols is the correct answer. Rinsing with a preprocedural rinse will decrease the potential for bacteremia but will have no effect on pain, gingival healing, or conditioning of the tissue. A topical or local anesthetic is best for treating pain during scaling.

16 Considerations for Providing Care (cont’d)

17 Evidence-based selection of DH protocols The written dental hygiene care plan

18 Question A risk factor for caries is A) tobacco use B) poor oral hygiene C) heavy calculus D) bleeding upon probing

19 Answer B) Poor oral hygiene is the correct answer. Poor oral hygiene due to bacterial plaque is a risk factor for caries. Tobacco use would be a risk factor if it was chewing tobacco only. Heavy calculus and bleeding are risk factors for periodontal disease.

20 Factors to Teach the Patient Assessment data and use in care planning Patient-specific interventions based on scientific evidence Oral disease prevention/oral health promotion Effects of comprehensive continuing care

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