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Supervision key words Grundvig meeting, Amsterfoort June 4-6, 2009 Inese Stankus-Visa.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision key words Grundvig meeting, Amsterfoort June 4-6, 2009 Inese Stankus-Visa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision key words Grundvig meeting, Amsterfoort June 4-6, 2009 Inese Stankus-Visa

2 Supervision key words Supervision processmethodscounsellingrolesfocusformsaimskillsdynamicsknowledgeethicstechnicsreflection

3 Knowledge Skills  Theoretical background of spupervision forms, methods, consultation process  Practical skills for implementation of theoretical knowledge

4 Forms Methods  Group supervision  Individual supervision  Team supervision  Intervision  Methods based on psychoanalysis, systemic theories, gestalt, etc.

5 Process Dynamics  Supervision process in group supervison, team supervision, intervision, individual supervision  To manage process  Contract  group dynamic: phases  Study group dynamics

6 Aim Focus  Supervision  Profession  Supervisor  Supervisee  Organization  Training and course aim  supervision process  Aim  Needs  Focal points  Focusing and formulating the problem

7 Counselling Technics  Process of counselling  Active listening: paraphrasing, reflection of emotions and feelings, summing-up  Confrontation  Mirroring  Refection  Feed-back  Moderation  Procedural model  Focused supervison  Conflict solving  Team development  Role playing  Games

8 Roles Ethics  Supervisor roles  Supervisee roles  Roles in group  Principals  Values  Attitudes  Stereotypes  Intercultural communication

9 Reflection  Self – reflection  Reflection about practice  Reflection about group processes

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