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PBIS Classroom System Classroom System Assessment Check-list and Action Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Classroom System Classroom System Assessment Check-list and Action Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Classroom System Classroom System Assessment Check-list and Action Plan

2 PBIS Classroom System Priorities for Improvement - Purpose - To assist teachers with the implementation and maintenance of effective ‘best practice’ classroom management techniques To provide teachers with a method for self- assessment (individually or with colleagues) of classroom system To make classroom systems that are compatible with PBIS school-wide practices

3 PBIS Classroom System Priorities for Improvement - Selection Basis - Consider; Key Elements Checklists Office referral data (look for patterns by; behavior, time of day, subject matter/type, etc.) Intervention Team (Yellow) referral data (look for patterns as noted above) Observations (informal or formal) Consultation with colleagues (Grade-level Team, Admin. and/or Intervention Team) Other

4 Classroom System Element #1: Physical Space  Space accommodates primary instructional goals (i.e. instruction, individual student work, group work, active supervision, etc.)  High traffic areas are clear  All students can be observed at all times from every vantage point in room  Frequently used materials are easily accessible  All students can see and hear presentations and displays

5 Classroom System Element #1: Class Schedule  Maximizes educational priorities (I.e. reading, math, etc.)  Intensive instruction in a.m.  Physical transitions (inside and out of room) are optimal  Behavioral concerns are prevented by class schedule (Daily, weekly and for year)  Other ___________________________________

6 Classroom System Element #2: Teaching Classroom Expectations  Expectations are stated explicitly (observable and measurable) and in positive terms  Expectations are consistent with School matrix  Students were involved in setting expectations (as appropriate)  Expectations are posted in room (visible from several feet)  Classroom Expectations are formally taught (I.e. ‘Cool Tools’) at beginning of year and as necessary throughout the school year

7 Classroom System Element #3: Classroom Routines  Essential routines are identified (i.e. entering and exiting class, seating, subject transitions, test/quiz procedures, homework turn-in procedures, etc.)  Essential routines are formally taught and reinforced at beginning of year and as needed

8 Classroom System Element #4: Managing Consequences  Positive consequences are used more often (4 to 1 positive to negative) and prior (when possible) to negative consequences  Classroom positive reinforcement system is understood by students and is tied into to school reinforcement system  Positive and negative consequences are understood by students  Consequences are given as soon after behavior (pos. or neg.) as is possible  Consequences are delivered consistently

9 Classroom System Element #5: Pre-Correcting Problem Behavior  Context (“triggers”) of problem behavior is identified  Expected behaviors is stated  Context (“triggers”) is modified  Expected behavior is rehearsed with student(s)  Strong reinforcement is given  Expected behavior is prompted  Student behavior is monitored (data review)

10 Classroom System Element #6: Correcting Problem Behavior  Behavior Correction Sequence is followed;  Students who are performing expected behavior are reinforced first  Student is told what is expected (“take care of the problem”) in a calm manner  Student is given a choice between expected behavior and negative consequence  Student is directed to make choice  As necessary, consequence (ODR and/ or a classroom consequence) is given

11 Classroom System Element #7: Quality Instruction  Every student regularly has an opportunity for responding to information presented (esp. ‘Yellow- needs’ students)  Time on task is appropriate (i.e. silent reading, writing, group time, etc.)  Every student is appropriately challenged by the task (differentiated instruction necessary?)  Tasks given increase likelihood of student mastery of information

12 Priority Target Areas # 1 ___________________________________ ____________________________________ #2 ____________________________________ _____________________________________

13 Priority #1 __________________________ Specifics of Plan: When 1. 2. 3. Monitoring Steps (Pre and post-plan data point?)

14 Priority#2 __________________________ Specifics of Plan: When 1. 2. 3. Monitoring Steps (Pre and post-plan data point?)

15 Maintenance Plan Based on review of data: 1.Plan maintained? Yes/No 2.Plan modified? Yes/No 1.- How? 3.New Plan Developed? 4.Classroom system referred to Intervention (Yellow) Team?

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