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Magnetism (3, Review). Like poles repel Unlike poles attract.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetism (3, Review). Like poles repel Unlike poles attract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetism (3, Review)

2 Like poles repel Unlike poles attract

3 Magnetic Field Lines vs. Electric Field Lines Magnetic Dipole Electric Dipole

4 What happens when you bring a compass near a bar magnet? The north indicator of the compass will point toward the south pole of a magnet. This is also why a compass points north, it's lining up with the earth's magnetic poles.

5 Source of Magnetic Fields Electrical Charge in motion. –Currents occur at the atomic level in atoms due to the orbits of electrons around the nucleus. –The intrinsic spin (+1/2, -1/2) is critical in the case of magnetism.

6 Moving Charges in a magnetic Field Magnetic fields cause moving charges to curve

7 Field around a wire ces/physics/Lenz%27s.html ces/physics/Lenz%27s.html Demo!

8 Lenz’s Law ces/physics/Lenz%27s.html ces/physics/Lenz%27s.html Demo!

9 Questions Describe the forces acting on this floating magnet

10 Questions What are the vector and non-vector quantities related to magnetism?

11 Questions Draw bar magnets and field lines as follows: N-N N-S S-S

12 Questions :Draw a horseshoe magnet

13 Questions Draw a wire with a current Show the field lines

14 Questions  Add compasses to all drawings above

15 Questions How do you produce a magnetic field? Describe the forces acting on this floating magnet What are the vector and non-vector quantities related to magnetism? Draw bar magnets and field lines as follows: N-N N-S S-S Draw a horseshoe magnet Draw a wire with a current Show the field lines  Add compasses to all drawings above

16 Questions Draw a wire moving through a magnetic field What is equation? Show direction of induced current

17 Questions Draw a wire moving through a magnetic field What is equation? Show direction of induced current EMF

18 Questions Draw a wire with a current in a magnetic field What is equation? What are the forces acting on the wire?

19 Questions Draw a beam of protons moving through a magnetic field What is equation? Show the forces What if the velocity is increased?

20 Questions Draw a wire moving through a magnetic field What is equation? EMF Show direction of induced current Draw a wire with a current in a magnetic field What is equation? What are the forces acting on the wire? Draw a beam of protons moving through a magnetic field What is equation? Show the forces What if the velocity is increased?

21 Questions Draw a wire in a magnetic field Show the direction to produce maximum potential difference Show a direction to produce no potential difference

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